
SMS Marketing: How Bulk SMS Can Boost Your Sales (+Tips)

People spend a lot of time on their mobile devices in modern times. On average, people use their phones for roughly five hours per day. For this, we can say SMS marketing, also known as text marketing, is a great way to interact with potential customers.


Everything you need to know about SMS marketing will be covered in this blog, including:


  • What is SMS marketing?
  • What are the benefits of SMS text marketing?
  • Guidelines for beginning a productive SMS marketing campaign

Learn how to sms your way to higher sales for your company by reading on.


P.S. Subscribe to Revenue Weekly for advice on how to advertise your company using different tactics. A team of marketers with more than 25 years of combined expertise in digital marketing will provide you with advice!


What is SMS marketing?

Sending text messages to people to advertise your goods or services is known as Bulk SMS Service. It's a type of marketing that needs individuals to voluntarily opt in to receive your communications.


What are the benefits of SMS marketing?

You may be wondering why you should use SMS marketing now that we've explained what it is. What advantages can SMS marketing provide for your company?


You should begin developing your bulk sms strategy for the following reasons:


1. People already regularly use their smartphones

People currently regularly use their cell phones, which is the main justification for developing an SMS marketing plan.


Over 2.2 trillion SMS and MMS messages were received in the US in only 2020. Due to its pervasiveness in daily life, texting is the ideal way for your company to connect with potential customers.


Using SMS marketing, you may advertise your company using a service that customers are currently actively using. Are you having trouble deciding where to begin? See these SMS marketing samples to get things started.


2. SMS marketing works with other marketing strategies


SMS promotional text is a tactic that blends well with many marketing techniques. You may help emphasize messages from other campaigns using your text marketing approach.


Your marketing message will be more effective if you combine SMS and email marketing. Use SMS and email together for a one-two power punch if you want prospects to buy a product, take advantage of a deal, or do anything similar.


Text marketing is a fantastic tool for emphasizing your message to your audience and persuading them to take the necessary action.


3. SMS marketing reaches prospects more directly


You may approach prospects more directly using SMS marketing, which has considerable advantages and increases engagement.


Although they need the consumers to open an app in order to interact with the material, strategies like email marketing and social media marketing let you directly communicate with your audience.


And it's possible that they won't see your emails till they check their inbox unless they have their alerts set up to alert them when they get emails.


However, with text messages, users may see the message by opening it from their lock screen. Even if someone misses your text, if they go to read or send a text, they will still see it in their messages. It increases the likelihood that your target audience will notice and respond to your message.


4. SMS marketing encourages prospects to act faster


Having an essay marketing plan has the substantial advantage of encouraging prospects to take action sooner. With SMS marketing, you may effectively encourage prospects to take advantage of your specials or special deals.


Focus and clarity are two of the most essential advantages of SMS marketing. Your primary goal when texting your subscribers is to get them to do a particular job or reach a particular objective. Nothing else draws their attention away from them.


As a result, it can help you get people to act faster and purchase your business.


SMS marketing: 6 tips for marketing by SMS

Are you interested in creating an SMS text marketing plan? Here are six guidelines to assist you in developing a fruitful SMS marketing plan:


1. Create an explicit opt-in


Getting a clear opt-in is essential to any SMS marketing strategy. Even while you might have clients' phone numbers, it doesn't imply you can start messaging them. To receive communications, they must choose to do so.


You may ask individuals to sign up for your text messaging service by posting a request on your website, sending them an email, or through other online communication methods.


You should confirm and make sure someone wants to sign up for your SMS messaging even if they opt to do so. Send a message to ask for permission to text them before you send any promotional texts.


Sending that text ensures that you only get subscribers who want to hear from your business.


2. Identify your brand in your texts


Make sure to identify your business each time you send a text message to one of your subscribers. After reading your messages, your subscribers could decide to delete them and not preserve your phone number in their contacts. Always include your name in your texts so they are confident it is you.


To let your subscribers know who is delivering the message, you may include your name right at the start of the message.


You may continue to strengthen brand associations by engaging in this practice. Your name will appear at the top of your texts, which maintains your brand in front of readers' minds.


3. Share instructions on how to opt-in


Giving notification of how to opt out of receiving messages is almost as important as opting in. You must provide them the option to stop receiving your SMS since they could decide they no longer want to.


Always let your subscribers know at the outset how to discontinue receiving messages from your company. Most companies enable customers to text "STOP" to stop receiving SMS.


And as always, if someone unsubscribes from your texts, don’t keep sending them.


4. Send more than promotions


You don't have to limit your Bulk SMS Service plan to offering discounts or promotional coupons. You may educate your audience about all aspects of your company using your bulk sms strategy.


For example, Box Lunch invites users via mail to sign up for their free Lunch Specials club.


You may advertise your loyalty programs, charitable events, and more with SMS text marketing. You have a great chance to get in touch with customers and inform them of the other services your company provides.


5. Use your text marketing strategy to bring customers back


Marketing by SMS allows you to re-engage customers who haven’t bought from you in a while. You can send them text messages with a custom discount code and invite them to shop with you.


You may immediately contact these prospects by SMS and invite them back by sending them a customized message. It's a great method to keep returning consumers for your company.


6. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly


If you decide to use sms marketing, check that your website is responsive to mobile devices. You don't want to bring someone to your website who is interested in purchasing after reading your message just to have a bad mobile experience.

To give those users a great experience, you must incorporate responsive design into your website. Your website may adjust to the displays of consumers' mobile devices thanks to responsive design, giving them the greatest possible experience.


Do you have a fundamental knowledge of SMS marketing? Here are more than 10 text marketing systems that can help you launch your campaign and provide information on their features, costs, and user reviews.


Ready to launch your Bulk SMS Service strategy?


A wonderful approach to market your company to prospective customers and encourage them to buy is by developing an SMS marketing campaign. Msgclub can assist you if you're unsure of how to start an effective SMS campaign.


Msgclub can easily assist you in promoting your company to mobile consumers with the help of our mobile advertising services. Small-to-midsized businesses (SMBs) may benefit from the promotion skills of our team of more than 500 digital specialists by increasing their sales and revenue.


Are you ready to increase your sales? A strategist is waiting for your call at 8359000164 or online!