Getting a job without any experience is similar to stepping into a Blue Ocean, where entering is arduous since we lack what the industry needs and call experience, so to enter such a market and make a footprint of yours, here are the 4 tips to get jobs in India:
1) Internship: paid or unpaid, every internship counts as it is the first step and real work scenario where you would be directly involved in the business of the company, and hence will teach you immensely about the business, dealing with clients and soaking up-the pressure as well as working within the given timeframe. It’s kind of a job where you can learn from others, and your mistakes as there will be a mentor to guide you whenever you get stuck in any situation. Therefore, it’s recommended to do an internship during vacations, so that you can learn and add it in your CV to make it work.
2) Manifest your rapt: nowadays, it has become easier to let people know what your area of interest is and fill in any immediate hiring jobs, as we have:
- Indeed
- Monster etc
Applications like these help us connect with the people which extends our connection and ultimately aids our profile in getting noticed by “n” number of people. For example, when we post something on LinkedIn and people interact and engage on your posts then it also gets visible in 2nd, 3rd connection’s networks feed. Such activities are of great importance as they show your credibility and knowledge which prompts recruiters to notice your profile and heed the job application you have submitted.
Be selective/cautious while applying: when you are a fresher without any prior work experience then you have to be cent percent sure that what you have written is correct, and the field/industry you have applied for is relevant to your career as “Applicant tracking system” sorts profile on the basis of multiple criteria’s, variables that screens every job application within seconds. And if it gets rejected, then it lowers the score of the profile, which can impact your profile score and hence directly impacts your visibility to recruiters. Therefore, be cautious while applying and apply only for those jobs which are relevant to your career.
3) Sound elated: “Attitude is everything”, it’s not just a quote but key to cracking any interview, especially for freshers as how you carry yourself, respond to questions and approach the given pseudo situation are some of the factors on which prospective employers bet on whether to select you or not. So, have a positive attitude, be confident while speaking and answering questions.
4) Follow up: it’s one of the things which sets you apart from other candidates as it shows your willingness to work with the company, and genuine interest in what you are doing, and what you had said during the interview is cent percent true.
So, don’t stress out that you are fresher and it would be a mountainous task to get a job. Give your best, and the luck will be in your favor. If you are keen on finding jobs near me, then the geo-location feature of the JollyHires app gives you a view of all the jobs near me in a jiffy. Browse the app by clicking here and get hold of amazing jobs near me.
For more:- 4 Tips to Find a Jobs In India with No Work Experience