
Python Syntax 101: From Essentials to Best Practices

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PradeepG @PradeepG · Oct 10, 2023

Python, is a programming language that is high-level and versatile. It is well-known for its ease of use and ease of readability. One of its key characteristics is its syntax, which is a set of rules that govern the structure of a Python program. 


This article will provide an analysis of fundamental concepts and best practices of Python syntax, to assist both novice and experienced developers in understanding how to write efficient Python codes - so you can become a better Python developer


Python: An Overview 


Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is one one of the oldest programming languages first published in 1991. Python is a versatile programming language with a large standard library. It can be used for a variety of applications, including web development, data analysis, machine learning, scientific computing, etc. 


Python has a very clean and easy-to-understand syntax that is human-readable. It uses whitespace to define code blocks, which makes it easy for both beginners and experts to understand. Python supports multiple programming paradigms - such as Procedural, Object-Oriented, and Functional programming, which makes it flexible and adaptable to coding styles. Python’s community and its rich ecosystem of packages, libraries, and frameworks continue to grow, making it a robust choice for a wide variety of programming tasks. 


Python: Essentials to know 

  • Whitespace and Indentation 

Python distinguishes between blocks of code and indentation. Unlike many other programming languages, Python does not use braces or symbols to indicate a block of code. Instead, whitespace is used to define a block of code, and this indentation must remain consistent throughout the entire program. Standard indentation standards include four spaces or a single tab. 


Syntax code: 


if True:

    print("This is indented correctly")

if True:

  print("This will cause an IndentationError")


Improper indentation will result in an “IndentationError”, so be mindful of it when writing the Python code. 


  • Comments 

Comments in Python are used to document code and provide explanations. They are preceded by the “#” symbol and are ignored by the Python interpreter. 


Here’s how to use comments: 


# This is a single-line comment


This is a

multi-line comment


# You can also use comments to explain code

x = 5  # This variable stores the value 5


  • Variables and Data Types 

In Python, you do not need to explicitly declare variable types. Variables are dynamically typed, which means their types are determined at runtime. Common data types in Python include: 


  • ‘int’ :  Integers (e.g., 5, -3)
  • ‘float’ : Floating-point numbers (e.g, 314, -0.5)
  • ‘str’ : Strings (eg., “Hello, Python!”)
  • ‘bool’ : Boolean values (‘True’ or ‘False’ )
  • ‘list’ : Ordered, mutable sequences (e.g., ‘[1, 2, 3]’ )
  • ‘tuple’ : Ordered, immutable sequences (e.g., ‘(1, 2, 3)’ )
  • ‘dict’ : Key-value mappings (e.g., ‘{“name”: “Alice” , “age”: 30}’ )
  • ‘set’ : Unordered collections of uniques elements 


  • Operators 

Python supports various operators for performing operations on variables and values: 


  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, // (integer division), % (modulo)
  • Comparison operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
  • Logical operators: and, or, not
  • Assignment operators: =, +=, -= etc.
  • Identity operators: is, is not
  • Membership operators: in, not in




x = 10

y = 5

# Arithmetic

result = x + y

# Comparison

is_equal = x == y

# Logical

is_true = (x > y) and (x % 2 == 0)

  • Conditional Statements 

Conditional statements in Python are used to control the flow of your program. The ‘if , ‘elif’ (else if), and ‘else’  keywords are used to define conditional blocks 




if condition:

    # code to execute if condition is True

elif another_condition:

    # code to execute if another_condition is True


    # code to execute if no conditions are True


  • Loops 

Python supports two main types of loops: ‘for’ loops and ‘while’ loops. 


‘for’ Loops

‘for’ loops are used to iterate over a sequence (e.g., lists, tuples, strings) or any iterate object



fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]

for fruit in fruits:



‘while’ Loops 

‘while’ loops continue executing the code as long as a specified condition is True. 



count = 0

while count < 5:


    count += 1


  • Functions 

Functions are blocks of reusable code that can take input arguments and return values. Defining a function in Python is done using the ‘def’ keyword. 



def greet(name):

    return f"Hello, {name}!"

message = greet("Alice")



  • Indentation Matters 

Indentation is crucial in Python because it defines the scope of code blocks. Improper indentation can lead to syntax errors or unintended logic. 

Here’s an example of correct indentation: 

if x > 5:

    print("x is greater than 5")


    print("x is not greater than 5")


Python: Best Practices (Writing Clean and Maintainable Code) 


Python is one of the most popular programming languages because it’s easy to understand and use. But like any language, it needs to be written in a way that’s clean, easy to maintain, and efficient. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the best practices for writing Python code, so you can become a better Python developer. 


  • PEP 8: The Python Style Guide 


The Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) 8, commonly referred to as “PEP 8” or “Python Enhancement”, is a standard style guide for writing Python code. This style guide outlines the conventions for writing code that is easy to read, such as naming conventions and indentation, as well as the layout of code. Following “PEP 8” guarantees that your code will be consistent and easily understood by others. 


Some key PEP 8 recommendations include: 


  • Use 4 spaces for indentation (no tabs).
  • Limit lines to 79 characters for code and 72 characters for comments and docstrings. 
  • Use lowercase with underscores for variable and function names (‘my_variable’ , ‘my_function’ )
  • Use uppercase for constants (‘MY_CONSTANT’ )


Following PEP 8 makes your code more Pythonic and helps maintain a common coding style across the Python community. 


  • Use Descriptive Variable and Function Names


Descriptive naming of variables and functions is one of the most effective methods for improving code readability. Single-letter variable names such as ‘x’ or ‘i’ should be avoided unless they are intended to be loop counters. It is important to select meaningful names that accurately reflect the purpose of a variable or function. 



# Bad

a = 5

b = 10

# Good

total_score = 5

maximum_score = 10


  • Comment Thoughtfully 


Comments are super important because they help explain complicated logic, show how your code works, and make it easier to understand for other people (and yourself in the future). Keep your comments to a minimum, but use them wisely to explain what your code is trying to do and any behavior that’s not obvious. 



# Bad - Redundant Comment

result = calculate_total()  # Calculate the total

# Good - Descriptive Comment

total = calculate_total()  # Sum all the values in the list


  • Modularize Your Code 


It is recommended to divide code into reusable functions or classes in order to promote code, reuse, and facilitate testing and maintenance. Every function or class should be assigned a single responsibility, in accordance with the Single Responsibility Principle. 



# Bad - A monolithic function

def process_data(data):

    # ... lots of code ...

# Good - Modularized code

def load_data():

    # ... load data ...

def clean_data(data):

    # ... clean data ...

def analyze_data(data):

    # ... analyze data ...


  • Handle Exceptions Gracefully 


Exceptions are an essential element or error handling in Python. It is important to anticipate potential exceptions and manage them efficiently through the use of try and except statements. It is not recommended to use broad except statements that catch all exceptions as this can lead to the concealment or errors. 




# Bad - Catching all exceptions


    # Code that might raise exceptions

except Exception as e:

    # Handle all exceptions (not recommended)


# Good - Catching specific exceptions


    # Code that might raise exceptions

except ValueError as ve:

    # Handle specific exception (e.g., ValueError)

except FileNotFoundError as fe:

    # Handle specific exception (e.g., FileNotFoundError)


  • Use Virtual Environments 


Virtual environments help keep project dependencies separate, so you do not have to worry about conflicts between different packages used for different projects, Python’s ‘venv’ module lets you create virtual environments for different projects.



# Create a virtual environment

python -m venv myenv

# Activate the virtual environment (Linux/macOS)

source myenv/bin/activate

# Activate the virtual environment (Windows)



  • Leverage Built-in Functions and Libraries 


The Python standard library is vast and robust. Whenever feasible, it is recommended to utilize standard functions and libraries to carry out routine operations. This not only reduces development time, but also guarantees code productivity and robustness. 


  • Testing and Documentation 


To ensure the accuracy of your code, write unit tests with a testing framework such as ‘unitest,’ or ‘pytest’. Additionally, document your functions and classes with docstrings Tools such as Sphinx can create documentation from your code and make it available to third-party users. 


  • Version Control with Git 


Track changes in your code base using version control systems such as Git. Platforms such as GitHub and GitLab offer collaborative environments for sharing and collaborating on code. Commit your changes regularly and utilize meaningful commit messages. 


In Conclusion, a comprehensive understanding of Python syntax is essential for becoming an effective Python programmer. To begin, we examined the fundamental principles of Python syntax, including the importance of whitespace, indentation, comments, and the broad array of data type and operator types available. These fundamental concepts are the foundation upon which all Python programs are built. We then examined the best practices that enhance the Python coding style and improve the readability, maintainability, and productivity of our programs. 


Key takeaways included adhering to the requirements of PEP 8, the use of descriptive names for variable and function names, and the modularization of our code into more focused components. By combining the fundamentals of Python syntax with the best practices, developers are able to unlock the potential of Python, allowing them to complete a broad range of projects with assurance and accuracy. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, a solid foundation in Python syntax will ensure your success in the Python programming world.