
Laser Nozzle Cutting Head Raytools

We can apply these original laser nozzle to our RayTools laser heads. Nozzles come in many shapes and sizes so check that the size of your nozzle matches the size below. Under normal circumstances it becomes necessary to replace the laser tips/nozzles every 90 -130 hours.

They mainly used a single nozzle for cutting with nitrogen or argon. The nozzle is a commonly used universal nozzle for cutting metal sheet materials from 1.2 to 2.5 mm thickness.


Fiber Laser Nozzle Laser Tip Cutting Head RayTool


Replacement fiber laser nozzle / wear part for RayTools fiber laser cutting head. Single nozzle is used for cutting metals using nitrogen or argon and the quality of the laser notch and the life of your machine depend heavily on the quality of your nozzle. Use only original quality nozzles. In the market, you can buy many cheap, poor quality laser tips. Contact us for more information.


Nitrogen -> Single Nozzle | Oxygen -> Double Nozzle | Thicker Plate = Larger Opening / Diameter

