
Official Trump Broken Coronavirus Approval Poll



Sabotaged Survey Does Not Work!  Like Others: https://justpaste.it/1lhb0


1) Did you watch President Trump’s most recent press briefing on the Coronavirus?


2) Do you approve of President Trump bringing back regular press briefings so that the American People can be updated?


3) Do you agree that the media is trying to keep President Trump off the air to silence him and hide the great work his administration is doing?


4) Do you agree that President Trump has been transparent with the American People about the state of our Nation right now?
No (he is not doing great work. He is DESTROYING America by going along with the virus hoax)


5) Do you believe the media should be more transparent with the American People?


6) Do you approve of President Trump’s swift decision to sign the CARES Act, which has provided relief to our Nation and its citizens during this difficult time?
No (He should never have gone along with the virus hoax, then none of the 'worker bailout' krap whould be an issue)


7) Do you support President Trump in calling on Congress to pass additional relief measures?
No (It's a trick to put the government in debt more so the (((Bank$ters))) can steal public assets like parks & infrastructure to rob citizens of what they paid for)


8) Do you approve of President Trump’s efforts to safely reopen the Nation again?
No (He should have never 'closed' it, & any 'measure' that requires 'masks or distancing' is self-defeating bull$hit)


9) Do you believe that President Trump will rebuild America’s economy and make it stronger than ever before?
No (He has totally and permanently DESTROYED it by going along with the virus hoax and the business-wrecking lockdown / mask / distancing scams)


10) Did you know that over 4.8 million American jobs were created in June?
LIES! Don't answer this


11) Do you agree with President Trump that schools should re-open in the Fall?


12) Do you agree that it is important for our Nation’s children to go back to school sooner rather than later?


14) Do you approve of President Trump’s efforts to encourage Patriots to wear protective face masks?
No (What a truly EVIL thing 2 say, pretending it is 'patriotic' to DESTROY civilization through mask/distancing/lockdown bull$hit!)


15) Do you agree with President Trump that our Nation's safety should be our first priority?
No (Safety is a (((Propaganda))) word for "Permanently destroy the economy and wreck civilization through a fake plague and mask / distancing / lockdown nonsense")


16) Do you approve of President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the corrupt World Health Organization?


17) Do you support President Trump’s decision to hold China accountable for the spread of the Coronavirus?
No (It's a mild cold virus same as the krap that happens every year, & not even dangerous except to old unhealthy people like any flu is)


18) Do you believe that Sleepy Joe is soft on China?
No (Stop fishing for excuses to start more wars, Chump!)


19) Who do you trust more to Make America Great Again?
China Joe (You fuking retard, pretending China is a 'problem' while you have PERMANENTLY WRECKED America by going along with the (((Corona$cam)))!!!)


20) Overall, do you approve of the job President Trump is doing handling the coronavirus?




When hit 'Record My Responses' button it forwards page to:


Error message: (typical = sabotaged by his own people!  His surveys don't work =))


This site can’t be reached


The webpage at https://secure.winred.com/tmagac/coronavirus-approval-poll?email=balkanguy2@live.com&firstname=Peter&lastname=Hejazi&zip=93433&WR_utm_campaign=20200724_46374_july20-official-trump-coronavirus-approval-poll-nd_officialtrumppolling_tmagac&WR_utm_source=ET_16&WR_utm_medium=email&additional[WR_utm_content]=gop_surveys_text_take_middle_other_all&additional[content_slug]=july-coronavirus-approval-poll&additional[issue]=GOP&additional[topic]=Surveys&event=existing_lead&amount=100&_ga=2.74067099.888761545.1595589762-964652755.1595589762 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

