
Dementia Symptoms to track in elderly parents and Guide to seek for help

No one knows your parents' personality, interests, or intrigues like you. So, if you notice any abnormal behaviour - or if something constantly seems to be off - there is a possibility it is. Aging is a well-known risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in people 65 years and older doubles every five years.  

Learning to identify dementia symptoms in aging parents and documenting the initial stages of dementia can make a significant difference. Your observations can provide helpful insight to doctors leading to a faster and more accurate diagnosis.  

In this blog, we will highlight the dementia symptoms to track and guide so that you can seek help as early as possible and for the safety of your parents.  

Dementia Symptoms to track in the elderly:  

Symptoms of dementia may vary in seniors, but here are some major warning signs!  

  1. Difficulty in remembering or finding words 

It is natural for the elderly to forget things occasionally. But the appearance of signs of forgetfulness every day is an early warning sign of dementia. If your mother constantly loses her thoughts in the middle or your father has trouble finding words in everyday conversation, these are signs of dementia.  

  1. Not being able to learn something new 

If you notice that your parents are away on new activities or have trouble grasping a new concept, make a note of it.  

  1. Lack of Finance Management 

 Noticed your father failed to handle bills or taxes properly, or your mother struggled to balance her check book. Watch for bills piling up or other problem-solving skills diminishing, as these are common behaviours of dementia.  

  1. Losing track of time 

Suppose your aging parents forget the day, month, year, holiday, or other important dates. Write down what they forget and how often they make a mistake.  

  1. Repeating Themselves 

Have you noticed verbal repetitions in your parents' thoughts or phrases? If your parents repeat stories, questions, thoughts, or jokes every day, pay attention to the frequency. 

  1. Poor judgment and decision making 

Have you noticed any behaviour or situation that seems unusual? For example, is your mom spending more money than usual? Did your father stop wearing a seat belt? If you start noticing dangerous behaviour or unsafe habits, write it down and consult a doctor.  

  1. Difficulty in remembering commitments 

Frequent memory loss is an early sign of dementia. Everyone sometimes forgets something, but document when and how often if it happens regularly.  

General Tip - In addition to the major dementia symptoms mentioned above, many seniors might exhibit signs like sleeping problem or eating disorder or even frequent mood changes. Do not neglect it! 

If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, seek help!  

Guide to seek for help: 

  1. Document dementia behaviour and share it with the Doctor. It is important to share specific symptoms you noticed with the Doctor. It will help with the diagnosis process. 
  1. It is essential to seek professional help after you notice the early signs of dementia. Go for a diagnosis and consult a doctor so that you can provide them with the best treatment on time.  

Final Word of Advice:  

If you want special Memory Care for your parent with dementia, you should go for patient care at home for better recovery and safety as well to help them with daily activities to avoid any accidents at home. As people with dementia are prone to falls and accidents at home. 

Antara Assisted Senior Care at home and Memory Care facility in India is a patient care services specially designed for people with Alzheimer's and Dementia. It contributes to their overall Physical and Psychological well-being.  

Contact +91 98114 41111 / contactus@antaraseniorcare.com for more information and guidance on offerings for Memory Care.