The field of web design is constantly evolving and improving. Note that your website is the face of your business. Looking at it, visitors will decide whether or not to do business with you. If your website doesn’t have a catchy web design, visitors are likely to abandon your website and go to competitor websites. The better designed a website is, the higher the trust quotient with visitors.
Remember website design is crucial to your brand, sales as well as customer loyalty. In the event that you are unsatisfied with your present website then it is indeed time to revamp and enhance the web design. We look at ways to improve the design of your website in 2022.
- Update your website design and content regularly and make sure your website applies the latest web design principles. Keep adding new blog posts and fresh content to respective web pages. If any blog content is obsolete, rewrite it to make it up-to-date. If your website’s look and feel are better than your competitors’ customers will definitely notice it and give more business to your company. Today’s website visitors are better informed and more tech-savvy. They can easily make out the difference between a well-designed and poorly designed website. Also, there is a lot of competition on the Internet. Make sure your website design is outstanding to obtain business both in the short-term and long-term.
- Add Images and/or videos if you have lots of text on the website it may overwhelm the visitor. As a result, he/she is likely to abandon your website. Images and videos are easier to view and understand. They are more impressive and engaging than text. It is a good idea to have original images and/or videos that are high quality and relevant to your organization. Invest in a professional photographer and/or videographer. This way your site will stand out from the many sites that use stock images and/or videos. The investment in original images/videos will definitely yield manifold returns.
- Make Sure Your Web Pages have Plenty of White Space The more
whitespace the better the readability. It is a vital design element. Using whitespace, the reader can focus on the important information and see what you want him/her to see. Significant elements such as value proposition, pricing, and call-to-action are clear to the visitor. Also, your website and web pages look clean, neat as well as uncluttered. A website with properly placed whitespace is pleasant to the eyes and delivers a superior user experience.webdesign
- Make the Website Mobile-friendly whatever the screen size of the visitor’s mobile device the website should seamlessly fit into it. The web pages should be simple as well as easy to navigate. The text, images, and videos should be clearly visible and easy to digest. The website should load fast and be simple to navigate irrespective of the visitor’s background. For your information responsive and quick-loading sites are ranked higher in major search engines such as Google and others.
- Ramp up Page Speed Page speed is extremely important irrespective of what website you have. Make sure images and videos are not very heavy. Minimize the use of plugins. Employ a quality Content Delivery Network. Take the help of professionals to optimize the homepage. Invest in a quality hosting platform where the server is both fast and reliable. Finally, minimize the use of redirects on the website. Users are likely to stay longer on fast-loading websites and return to them in the future.
- Make pricing simple to find by visitors Don’t make the mistake of hiding your pricing. Being transparent about what you charge can help visitors compare your value to those offered by competitors. Also, you will be contacted only by genuine parties. Your pricing should be clear and unambiguous to visitors.
More Tips to Improve Your Website’s Design
- Make sure the Company Contact Details are Prominent and Easy to Find
- Have a Compelling Call to Action
- Work on SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
- Eliminate 404s for disabled or deleted webpages
- Have social share and follow buttons
- Have a well thought out plan and strategy to revamp web design
- Have a consistent style for each of the web pages
- Include a mission statement that gives clarity to your offering and how it helps prospective customers
How to Select a Suitable Web Design Company
- Be Clear About Your RequirementsWrite down your expectations and vision for the design of your website. What type of customers do you hope to attract? How large a website do you want? What is your value proposition? What technologies do you want to be used in web design? What is your budget? What is your deadline? Do you want a local firm or the services of overseas firms? Eliminate redundant questions after brainstorming with your team.
- Are they flexible? Talk to the web design companies. Do they have original and effective ideas to improve website design? Do they listen to you and implement your suggestions? These things need to be checked by talking to ex-customers and online testimonials. Remember you are the decision-maker and not them. But this does not mean you should not be open to new and different perspectives.
- How is their after-sales support? It is a reality that the field of web design is constantly changing. Better to partner with a web design firm that offers quality after-sales service. As they are familiar with your requirements, they are best placed to make design changes in the future.
- Do they have a quality process in place? Competent and experienced web design providers usually have a time-tested and established process to carry out their work. If they don’t have one you are probably better off looking for entities that do.
About Us
Focaloid is a stellar software service and solutions company catering to clients in the US and UK. We have considerable expertise and experience in the domain of web design. Reach out to us to learn how we can meet your unique and specific requirements.