
What should I bring to my first appointment with my Family Lawyer?


It can be quite nerve-racking and overwhelming attending your first appointment with a Family Lawyer.  


So, what should you bring with you to your first appointment?


If you have time to gather some information and documents prior to your meeting, that can greatly assist a Family Lawyer to provide you with tailored legal advice. This will avoid wasting your time, and your money, as most Family Lawyers charge by the hour.


Some helpful documents which you can bring with you to your first appointment include: 

  • A list of any questions that you may have about your situation;
  • A copy of any letters or documents you have received from your former spouse, or their solicitor about your current situation;
  • A copy of your Marriage Certificate and/or Divorce Certificate (if applicable);
  • A list of all the current assets, liabilities and superannuation entitlements which you or your former spouse have, whether held jointly or in your or your former spouse’s sole name, together with the estimated value of those items;
  • A list of all the assets, liabilities and superannuation entitlements which you or your former spouse had when you first started living together, with the estimated value of those items;
  • If you or your former partner owns a business, the financial statements and tax returns for the last financial year that has been prepared. 

It is not a requirement of attending an appointment that you bring the above mentioned documents, however, it will assist a family lawyer in providing you with more accurate and specific advice, in a cost-effective and timely manner. 


If you need advice in relation to divorce, property settlement or care arrangements for your children, please contact us to make an appointment to discuss your situation in more detail.