
The seas around Crete contain many hidden treasures. Next time you're thinking of all inclusive holidays to Crete, pencil in a day's snorkelling trip. You'll be glad you did and amazed by what you see. Along with the rich marine life in this part of Greece, you'll likewise discover a wealth of aircrafts and ships that were sunk throughout the Fight of Crete and are now home to a variety of rare fish and marine animals. The seas here have actually brought in scuba divers for several years and now resourceful trip companies routinely offer snorkelling excursions for newbies.

Crete is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. The warm waters here are house to a wonderful range of marine creatures and rather unusual fish. The octopus is well established here as are turtles, squids, cuttlefish, dolphins, whales and seals. Regrettably, due to contamination, sea urchins and sponges are becoming significantly unusual as are corals, sea horses, jelly fish and sea snakes. The most endangered species though needs to be the Mediterranean Monk Seal. To date there are fewer than 600 people making it through in the wild. Happily a lot of them have actually made Crete their house, looking for haven in inaccessible caverns along the remote coasts of Crete.


Lots of travelers on inexpensive vacations to this magnificent island are encouraged to go snorkelling by other guests who have been in the past. Snorkelling is perfect in Crete as the exposure in the waters around the island is considered to be some of the best worldwide. In summertime, the average exposure is 30 or more metres. The temperature of the seas then is a nice warm 22-27 degrees C and there are no currents. The seabed in Crete tends to be extremely rocky therefore brings in a wide variety of intriguing animals. The best beaches for snorkelling tend to be along the south coast. Lots of experienced divers head to the small island of Dia which is 9 miles north of Heraklion. The seabed here is especially rocky. Another good snorkelling site is the island of Chrissi, south of Lerapetra.

Many divers take Crete vacations during the months of September and October, which are the very best times as specific types move closer to the shores then. One such species is the Needlefish, which pick then to recreate and come closer to the shore to lay their eggs. If you've never tried snorkelling previously, it's best to choose https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=Crete a knowledgeable instructor. Not only will he keep an eye out for you but will mention items of interest and http://www.discovergreece.com/en/greek-islands/crete inform you which fish to beware of, like the dangerous scorpion fish. Lots of diving clubs now use one day expeditions, but you'll require to supply your own mask as these are not readily available to hire. Flippers too, are an excellent concept so you do not cut your feet on the rocks or unintentionally brush up against a weever fish, which lives in the mud and can trigger extreme irritation with its harmful spines. The trainer will probably bring along a couple of biscuits in a plastic bag. No, they're not for elevenses however to draw in fish to you! Try to keep as peaceful as possible and make no unnecessary hand movements. You don't wish to frighten the fish away! At the end of your dive, you'll be astonished at the variety of marine sea life you have seen in these crystal clear waters.