So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof?



07-31-2019 12:06:32 AM

So today ... I get e-mail and flags on my account that my bank information needs to be updated!?  This is the very same account I've have been using with eBay for almost 20 years now. So we go back to the 1st of July... When I selected  to covert to "Managed Payments". At that time I had to verify my Bank Information.  OK DONE.  Today, A message from eBay your bank information needs to been updated. WHAT ... This is the same account that I have used with eBay from the get go, as well when I  opted-ed into the "Managed Payment" system.  Also that for the last 30 days eBay has been depositing  my sales into my BANK account since the 1st of July! And NOW they want me to prove that I am the person of that bank account ... are you kidding  me!.  So yes I send eBay proof of my account via a image on a voided check, WTH, I have some 130,000 sales over the years.. and this is my reward with eBay! Oh BTH  .. all my current sales will (payments) be delayed another 24-48 hours while we (eBay) validates my account?!  Are you FFFFFFFF Kidding me!!!!


So eBay needs to steep up to the game and wake up ... IF YOU WANT TO REPLACE PayPal THEN ACT SO!

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to akita4uth 07-31-2019 12:29:38 AM


Oh and BTW the online call tech support ... as well as the on line text help window are totally useless and have no support in this issue. I just wanted everyone know.

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to akita4uth 07-31-2019 07:20:38 AM


They are required to validate the account once you reach a certain $$ amount...I was also **bleep** when this happened. Just a HEADS UP....there will be ANOTHER "validation" once you reach another $$ bracket.

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to akita4uth 08-10-2019 01:02:42 AM


Ok so this just happened to me as well  How did you validate the bank info  Mine is an online only account I opened when I started the ebay account and it doesnt have checks so I cant do an image of that and the statement i printed off doesnt have enough info on it I guess either  I dont have 100k plus sales but im not new either.  That makes sense about hitting a certain $$$ value kicks in the validation but other then what Ive already gave them not sure how to validate the account and the longer it takes the more payouts im missing and the more out of pocket money im spending to ship.  Thank you in advance for your time!!

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to jjjsn33dfulthings 08-10-2019 01:28:00 AM
Last Edited 08-10-2019 01:28:57 AM

When this happened to me ebay gave me 2 options. Option 1 was my ss# and option 2 my bank statement, which I told them that wasn't going to happened, then I told them I would send them a cancelled check and then they said that would work. So I guess we have 3 choices to pick from.

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to domin-tomas 08-10-2019 02:28:18 AM


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. The issue i have is its not a checking account so no cancelled checks. Cant use the statement i gave them. Not sure how a SSN will help but if I have to give them that to keep my acct open and get paid then its worth it. Thanks again. Have a great weekend!!

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to jjjsn33dfulthings 08-10-2019 06:33:01 AM


When I had this happen with my bank that I initially used when I started managed payments it was actually my bank that came back to EBay and questioned the number of deposits, since it was daily and the usage.  I actually changed the bank to one I could use a card with to manage the shipping costs since I use stamps.com for that. Now just last week that bank actually called me to verify the activity. So I question if this is an EBay thing or the banks, since I had it happen twice with two different banks. Maybe try giving them a call and see if they are questioning EBay on it. You may be able to resolve it faster. 

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to crookedmilecottage 08-10-2019 07:55:59 AM


Ebay will automatically stop your  payments and ask for your account to be reverified at 4k and 10k worth of deposits just to give you a heads up for the future

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to jjjsn33dfulthings 08-10-2019 08:07:43 AM


That’s interesting because that had not been the case with me. I wasn’t at 4K the first time and surpassed that the second time. It was all my banks that questioned the validity of the deposits. Both of them. Well hopefully your issue is resolved and no more bumps in the road. 

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to crookedmilecottage 08-10-2019 09:23:00 AM


Ya it looks to be foxed and the deposits say that they are being retried so thats goo . I assumed the total amounts because thats what the amount was the first time and now this time is 1 . The first time I just had to send my acct numbers again to validate. This time i had to change the name on the account.  I just use an online account I opened for the deposits called simple and since there is only 1 deposit everyday idk if that is why.  They are a pretty as the name states simple bank kind of like chime where there aren't any fees and you cant overdraft etc. Somone else mentioned the deposit dollar level so thats where I got i . Just glad it was fixed quick and hope its the last time.  Already stinks having to pay out of pocket for shipping and I was thinking that I woukd have to do it for an extended period if time but it actually was a very simple fix.  Have a great weekend!!

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to jjjsn33dfulthings 08-10-2019 06:06:51 PM


I'm not sure that is correct.  I've been in Managed Payments for over a year, I'm well north of $20k since on Managed Payments, I've never been asked to re-verify my check/bank account.  I've been selling on Ebay since 2002.  There must be something else triggering these verifications.  

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to jpaul18535 08-11-2019 06:57:18 AM


It took my about two weeks to get mine corrected.  I would talk to a rep that would give me the can statement with no progress.  I talked to my bank and they did not see a problem.  I got the eBay survey about their CS and I responded with all 1's.  I scanned and sent a sheet from the bank with the information they asked for and still nothing.  A few days later I called and was told that it needed to be sent from my phone.???  I as asked if there was any other issues that I had and I told them that the 25 cent fee per listing would be very expensive for me and when he looked at my history, he agreed.  EBay is making changes and not giving factual information to their CS reps and it makes them look bad.  When I set up my PayPal and Amazon accounts, they both made small deposits to verify my account.  EBay did not do this.  

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to allmartysstuff 08-12-2019 01:22:40 AM


Jeez, if it would of taken 2 weeks then I would of been out of business. Some of the things I ship cost more then 50 dollars to ship and I sell about 5 to 10 items daily. Would love to say I have this kind of money saved but with a 2 yesr old and a 1 month old and just buying a new house that would be a li . Thankfully I just had to update the name on my bank account on ebays end to my name and its fixed and just got 3 payments at their normal time of 4am. Maybe it was triggered because the names didnt match and the person who stated that it was due to hitting a dollar figure level was incorrect and I shouldn't of gone off their information. All I know is I got the email on a Thursday Morning and I had it fixed Friday night and now have been paid everything that was on hold.  Getting used to waiting 4 days for your payments from it being instant took a bit but now that I am adjusted etc it looks to be fine. Still worried a little about the refunds being put on my invoice because I had a couple rather large returns from new buyers over the past couple weeks and my invoice now sits over 2k but as long as you make sure to leave the refunded money aside and I always put 20% of my sales into a seperate acct to cover my invoice at the end of the month it should be fine.  I mean they are going to move everyone to this system at some point and faze paypal completely out so better to get used to it sooner rather then later when its christmas time right?  Thanks all!  It is nice to be able to bounce things off other members for sure so they got this part right, or they are just cheap and are using us instead of their own employees lol

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Re: So 30 days using Managed Payment, eBay request copy of your bank STM or a voided Check for proof
in reply to jpaul18535 08-13-2019 05:45:08 PM


Hi Everyone.   I think that the verification process has to with the names of the two accounts and not the verification of accounts.  When I first signed up I signed up as an LLC which I am.  However my ebay account is in my individual name and when ebay went to set things up the bank could not verify the account name because the account # I entered when applying was for an individual account.  Took a couple of days to reprogram everything.   The two accounts have to match exactly, name, address, etc.  I should apply as an individual and not the company and their would not have been an issue.  I have been with ebay since 2001 and never converted the account to a corporate account.  I think some of us will not set things up right but they are helpful in working it through. 

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