
How do nominees claim back from IEPF?

If you are the nominee of a person who has died and their shares have been transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF), you can claim the shares on their behalf. You will need to submit Form IEPF-5 to the IEPF along with the following documents:

  • A copy of the death certificate of the deceased person.
  • A copy of your identity proof.
  • A copy of your address proof.
  • A letter from the company stating that the shares have been transferred to the IEPF.

If you are not the nominee of the deceased person, but you are their legal heir, you can also claim the shares. You will need to submit the same documents as above, along with a letter from a lawyer stating that you are the legal heir of the deceased person.

Once you have submitted the required documents, the IEPF will review your claim and decide whether to approve it. If your claim is approved, the IEPF will transfer the shares to you.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when claiming shares from the IEPF:

  • The IEPF only accepts claims that are submitted online. You can find the link to the online claim form on the IEPF website.
  • The IEPF charges a processing fee of Rs. 100 for each claim.
  • The IEPF may take up to 6 months to process your claim.
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