
cbse question bank class 10

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@anonymous · Sep 24, 2020


It is a common question that haunts every student of class 10, ready to appear for CBSE boards - “How do I score more than 90% in all the subjects?”

Some of you may even have a doubt that “Is it possible to score above 90% in all subjects of class 10?” Of course, you CAN score beyond 90% if you follow the right strategy. If you are someone who is dedicated, hard-working, and concentrated, scoring more than 90% is no more a dream for you. 

Also, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the syllabus of CBSE class 10 has been reduced to 30%. That is, some of the topics are deleted from the course. So, if you stick to the right syllabus books and cover the remaining portion entirely, you can score more than 90% in all of your subjects.

Here’s the strategy you must follow while preparing for class 10th CBSE Boards:

  1. Know the exact syllabus

Consult your school teachers, online resources, and CBSE’s official website to know the revised syllabus of CBSE class 10th. Carefully go through the chapters/topics that are included in the new syllabus and note them separately in your notebook.

  1. Schedule your self-study

Apart from your school, prepare a time-table for self-study. Refer to the syllabus and assign a time period to each subject according to the difficulty level and your understanding of the concepts. Follow this time-table until your exam dates. 

  1. Take recreational breaks

You won’t be able to complete everything in a day or two. Take time for small breaks during your study time. You can go out for a walk or talk to your friends over a call. DO NOT scroll your social media feeds. You can also exercise a bit to reduce your stress and start afresh again.

  1. Complete your NCERT syllabus

2-3 months before your board exams, make sure you have finished your NCERT syllabus with a thorough understanding of concepts and solving exemplar problems. If there are topics that need more attention, discuss them with your teachers. Do not leave any topic from the revised syllabus.

  1. Refer to help books

NCERT textbooks give you a broad view of the concepts. To solve application-based problems asked in board exams, you need help books like class 10 CBSE question banks , CBSE class 10 Sample Papers, Concept Videos, Worksheets, and similar resources to get a firm grip on your topics. These references provide you with excellent practice material that can help you to score more than 90% marks in all your subjects in CBSE class 10th boards. 

Oswaal Books has already launched class 10 CBSE question banks with revised syllabus. Yes, we have updated our study material according to the reduced syllabus as proposed by the CBSE. 

Benefits of Oswaal Books Question Banks are:

  1. Comprehensive study material - chapter-wise and-topic wise notes for understanding concepts in a better way.
  2. Includes the reduced syllabus for the academic year 2020-2021. We strictly follow the latest textbook of NCERT for topics and exemplar questions. 
  3. Strategic approach towards explaining every concept from the perspective of remembering, understanding, applying, analysing and evaluating, and creating what you have learned. 
  4. Bonus Question Types, Most Likely asked Questions, Mind Maps, and concept videos from the Oswaal Editorial Board to trigger your learning experience.