New Religion of God and 11 Commandments main focus is Animal Rights and Justice. Vegan Religion is brought for humanity by Moses in 2012 to teach you 11th commandment and inform you about the soon approaching Judgement Day. A new book of God, (Holy Vegan Earth) is written by God and edited by Moses. There is only one standard, Justice. Download the book free. from
Learn about the most important event of history, two-way communication with the Unified Field, the Creator of universes. Moses shows you evidence, reasoning and proof. Learn proofs of the Existence of God. Learn that the Judgement Day is very close. This is the 11th Commandment: (All humans must become Vegan). All 11
Commandments must be enforced on the Earth by Death Penalty. All non-human animals and human animals have the same Equal Legal Rights. Learn, Surrender and Live.
- Warning: All none Vegans will be killed and sent to Hell. You are Warned.
- Good News: The Earth belongs to Vegans. This is the decision of God.
Prophet of YHWH
August 2019
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