
Meats market in UK

Meat Promotion Wales (HCC ) is one such campaign that promotes the use of lamb and beef in-home cooking, while also addressing the red meat industry’s environmental problems.

Despite meat’s detractors and unfavorable news coverage. Sales did not contract like projected in 2019. The volume of sales of chicken and pork grew, whereas the volume of sales of beef and lamb declined somewhat during the same time. The economic downturn caused by Brexit, covid-19-induced economic troubles, and poor customer confidence has all contributed to a drop in lamb and beef sales. Lamb and beef are high-priced protein sources.

Business Outlook in Meats market in UK

Customers, corporations, and government authorities place a high value on health and sustainability. For every industry, sustainability and health go hand in hand. The Meats market in UK is working hard to position itself as a sustainable meat sector. The meat industry is attempting to distinguish itself from industrial farming operations such as those seen in the United States and Brazil. Factory farming is unsustainable, and the meat is hazardous to one’s health. The meat market in the United Kingdom is trying hard to project a favorable image. Typically, news coverage of the meat industry generalizes procedures and lumps all alternatives together. The meat industry is attempting to promote the United Kingdom’s animal welfare measures as well as its lower greenhouse gas emissions, As a green offering to combat climate change

To reduce plastic pollution caused by meatpacking. The meats market in UK is exploring alternatives. Alternatives need significant expenditure in research and development. In the United Kingdom, the beef industry is experimenting with novel skin packaging technologies, such as substituting heavy-semi stiff plastic bases with totally flexible plastic alternatives. Newer packaging options include less plastic, reducing the level of plastic pollution.

Because of the negative health effects of red meat intake, sales of white meat, such as chicken and fish, are increasing. The proportion of people concerned about the negative consequences of red meat has risen from 8% in 2015 to 13% in 2019. Chicken is a diverse protein source with several health advantages. Furthermore, chicken is one of the least expensive forms of protein, which adds to its commercial attractiveness. The market for ready-made, seasoned chicken is expanding. Customer ease is a critical aspect in increasing sales.

The meat business is attempting to expand into overseas markets, namely the Middle East. Swine flu has had an impact on Chinese meat exports. To increase lamb exports, the sector is looking to the Middle East. Any possibility of free trade with South America will have a significant influence on the UK beef sector. Due to customer emphasis on the legitimacy of meat, fast food conglomerates are bypassing distributors and entering into agreements with organic farm owners.

Imports and Exports

Beef accounts for nearly half of all meat imports to the United Kingdom. Pork and lamb account for 30% and 20% of meat imports, respectively. The domestic meat industry meets the majority of the UK’s demand for meat cuts. Popular meat cuts, however, are imported to meet demands. Imports meet around 26% of total meat demand. The Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, the Netherlands, and Germany are the major beef import destinations. Imports of meat from South American countries such as Brazil are also on the increase.

Meat is exported from the United Kingdom to France, the Netherlands, and the Republic of Ireland. China is a significant meat export market for the United Kingdom. Meat exports to the United States are increasing. Beef contributes 40% of total export revenue. Lamb and pork account for 36% and 20% of total export income, respectively. The weakening of the pound following the 2017 Brexit referendum has made UK beef exports more competitive.

The meat sector is concerned about trade agreements that the UK is entering in with other countries. The meats market in UK may be overwhelmed by cheaper meat imports, which might have a significant impact on the meat business. After Brexit, a trade deal between the EU and the UK is vital for the future of the UK’s meat sector. The EU accounts for 70% of all meat exports from the United Kingdom. If a comprehensive trade deal is not negotiated, the meat sector in the United Kingdom is anticipated to pay additional expenditures ranging from GBP 90 million to GBP 120 million. This effectively undermines the competitiveness of UK meat exports.

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