Meta Description: While anxiety might not seem major to a majority of people, it can prove to be a chronic problem… here are 5 tips by actor Julian Brand to deal with anxiety
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems nowadays and it can prove to be harmful, even if it might not seem that major to a lot of people. The basic definition of anxiety is constant and excessive worry about day to day happenings. Plus, the chaotic world we live in today isn’t helping much. A little bit of anxiety is what all of us deal with daily and it kinda helps by keeping us careful and attentive, however, it becomes a major problem if the level of anxiety increases to an unbearable point.
Antidepressants are what most people prefer using to battle anxiety and while they might take care of the anxiety, excessive use can prove to be harmful. Moreover, what the majority of people with anxiety do is, end up using an excessive amount because they think that’ll help them get rid of anxiety completely.
Antidepressants curing anxiety is a huge misconception as technically, antidepressants are drugs and can be highly addictive. The temporary solution they provide starts feeling like a permanent solution, which is what all drugs end up doing. This becomes a bigger problem than the original problem itself.
Dealing with anxiety would be easier if people knew the natural ways of doing so. Well, Julian Brand has got you covered. Here are 5 tips by Actor Julian Brand on how to deal with anxiety:
Regular Workout
As a model, Julian Brand follows a strict workout routine and that keeps him in shape and his mind positive. While it might feel like the trouble of getting up and hitting the gym will cause more anxiety, it actually lessens it after you’re done with the workout. The endorphin rush you get from working out does a lot for your mental health.
Say “No” To Alcohol
Many people believe that alcohol calms them down and cures their anxiety. They think the effects it creates are what they need to cope with their problems. However, when the effects are gone, it’ll make your mental health worse, causing you to become addicted to that effect. So, quitting alcohol is one of the best things you can do as the first step towards your recovery from anxiety.
Put It Out
Over a billion people in the world smoke cigarettes. That’s nearly 20% of the world’s population. The majority of those people struggle with mental health problems and use cigarettes as a way to calm themselves down. When cigarettes first came into the market, they were advertised as stress relievers and most people still use them like that. While smoking does relieve stress and anxiety, it does that only for a few minutes, and when the effects of nicotine fade away, the anxiety comes back & it makes you crave more nicotine. That’s how you get addicted to cigarettes. Hence, cigarettes will only increase your anxiety. Avoid using them and if you already are using them, quit today.
Get Proper Sleep
To ensure good mental health, you must get at least eight hours of sleep at night. Insomnia is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety and the reason behind this is that you are worried before you go to bed and keep overthinking about stuff. Well, Julian Brand has a solution for you. The same thing he does to get an appropriate amount of and peaceful sleep. Just determine a time to go to bed and 15 minutes before that, write all your thoughts and worries on a piece of paper and then go to sleep. It helps you get them out of your head and calm you down. Try this… it works.
Just Breathe
A lot of times, people breathe very heavily when they are anxious. And that just makes the problem worse. The next time you feel anxious, just do what actor Julian Brand does, close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Breathe in and breathe out 5-6 times properly. This will surely calm you down and make you feel less anxious quickly. Speaking of breathing, yoga also helps a lot with anxiety.
There’s no better way of dealing with anxiety than natural ways. Because anxiety is just in your head and you are the one who can control it. The best cure for your anxiety is inside you and that makes it easy yet challenging to deal with. It might seem complicated at first, but these 5 tips by actor Julian Brand will surely help you a lot in your battle with anxiety. Just make sure you have the inner will and determination to make that happen and nothing can stop you from doing that.