The amended version of the Senate Bill 262 has to be discussed by the lawmakers. The family of Mary Tibbitts has openly spoken against the proposal altogether. Dan Tibbitts, the brother of Mary, has been calling it an insult which is being considered. He has an important message for the lawmakers stating that Mary Tibbitts would be with us if this reckless and ruthless zero bail policy was not rejected by the voters. Still, it is being punished by some politicians.
The Senate bill was taken off the table in the previous year after the ruthless murder and rape of Mary Tibbitts by Troy Davis. He was released later under California’s zero bail policy. Even though he had a lengthy criminal history of committing such criminal activities, he was set free. Davis is also a murderer of the two dogs and also sets the home on fire after killing her.
Dan Tibbitt, brother of Mary, also added to it by saying that the bill was pulled out by the fellow senators who voted down it for fear. They might be looked upon as someone who has a soft corner for the crime. This action is beyond crime; it is pro-crime.
Now the amended version will go out before legislators who are authorized by Senator Robert Hertzberg and Senator Nancy Skinner. Skinner is reluctant to talk in front of the camera about it. Although, he clearly stated that zero bails were taken out while the new version intends to help the innocent people who can’t afford the bailing procedure.
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