
What is Artificial Intelligence Bringing To The Healthcare Sector?

Globally, AI will play an increasing role in all areas of patient care, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognostics. 


One of the biggest trends in medicine today is the personalization of treatment for each patient. Artificial Intelligence is a wonderful tool to achieve this.  


Growth in this market is primarily driven by government initiatives to increase the adoption of AI-based technologies, increasing demand for AI tools in the medical field, growing focus on reducing the workload of radiologists, influx of large and complex datasets, growth in funding for AI-based start-ups, and the growing number of cross-industry partnerships and collaborations. 



AI and radiomics, which are being applied to X-ray and CT scans as advanced imaging tools in the detection and follow-up of COVID-19, have been able to diagnose the presence of the infection. This is because AI algorithms and radiomics used for chest X-rays can help undertake massive screening programs. 


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Providence St. Joseph Health (Seattle, US) used an AI-powered chatbot that screened and triaged more than 40,000 patients, categorizing them by the level of care needed and freeing doctors and nurses to focus on at-risk individuals in an unprecedented time of one week. Thus, physicians are taking the help of the augmented abilities of AI and responding to the requirements efficiently and quickly. 


The growing awareness of the benefits offered by AI techniques and their wide application areas has led to the increased adoption of these products and services in the healthcare market. Various leading companies in the healthcare market are entering into partnerships and collaborations with leading AI technology providers to come up with innovative AI-based solutions for applications in healthcare.  


Due to the growing demand for novel AI-based techniques in the medical diagnostics market, such developments are helping companies gain momentum in terms of developing advanced products and tools. 


Currently, many healthcare professionals have doubts about the capabilities of AI solutions in terms of accurately diagnosing patient conditions. Considering this, it is challenging to convince providers that AI-based solutions are cost-effective, efficient, and safe solutions that offer convenience to doctors as well as better care for patients. 


Key Market Players

Some of the prominent players operating in the AI in medical diagnostics market are Microsoft Corporation (US), NVIDIA (US), IBM (US), Intel (US), Siemens Healthineers (Germany), GE Healthcare (US), Digital Diagnostics (US), Xilinx (US), InformAI (US), Enlitic (US), Day Zero Diagnostics (US), Aidence (Netherlands), Butterfly Network, Inc. (US), Prognos (US), Zebra Medical Vision (Israel), Viz.ai (US), Quibin (Spain), Qure.ai (India), Therapixel (France), and HeartFlow (US).