So, why Sydney? Well…
Sydney is a great snapshot place to continue your study safari (or surfari) with a refreshing reminder of the world outside your own. In this place, you are truly abroad, and not in Kansas anymore. Yes, yes that’s right! Here, you are really are down under… because you are in Oz! And while it may seem a little overwhelming, fear not. You will not be alone.
Multiculturalism is huge here, undeniably so. While Australia may seem like a vast continent of the unknown, between all the different backgrounds and lifestyles people lead someone can point you in the right direction. Whether it be to sign up to a sports team and swim, or sit still, studying, in the open air Opera bar, next to the Sydney Opera House with a light afternoon beverage, there are a lot of ways to approach the trip and h
ow you spend your time here.
Also, Social butterflies worry not, for uni-life has its fair share of fun over here too. Most campuses have social groups, health, art, cultural, political and recreational, and most host their own events and excitement that you can get pulled into. Do not resist, YOLO! And make friends for life. For you never know what can happen, and you’ll never know where some of these international contacts can lead you.
For as long as you remain on top of your work, and are diligent in your
, you just might be able to pull off the study and party pathway! So yes, please plan your time here, and commit wholeheartedly to homework and hangouts, for it will be over before you know it. Trust me, it will, but you will never regret it.
Source by: The Education Post Lifestyle