
Business Call Reason: Let your users know why you are calling them!

What if I tell you that you can finally stop and let your customers know why you are calling them?

All you need is the Truecallers Verified Business Caller Id’s latest Call Reason feature. 

Mind-blown, right?

What is Call Reason? 

And why your business needs it today!

Well, to begin with, this new feature helps to let your customer know why they are calling them (you do want distinct yourself and more context to business calls right?). All the more, it adds an oomph to your overall calling experience, giving the power to your customers to take a call basis the intent being relevant to them.

And to avail of this, all you need is your business number to be part of the Verified Caller ID program with Truecaller.

Now that you know the whats, it's time to dig a bit deeper into the whys.


Check out the full article here - https://business.truecaller.com/resources/business-call-reason