
Is It Important To Ask Questions To The PTSD Therapist?

When your child has been through something Traumatic, it can be difficult to know how best to help them heal. You may be wondering if therapy is the right option and, if so, what kind of therapist is best suited to help your child.


This blog will explore some of the reasons why you might want to seek teen PTSD treatment therapy for your child, what to keep in mind as you look for a therapist, and some important questions to ask when you are meeting with a potential therapist.

Why the need?

Children can experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after any type of trauma. The experience doesn’t have to be big, like a car accident or a natural disaster—it could be something like a playground argument that got out of hand or being the victim of bullying at school. If your child is struggling after a traumatic event, they may benefit from therapy.

Symptoms of PTSD in children can include:

  • Withdrawing from friends and activities they used to enjoy
  • Changes in eating or sleeping habits
  • Irritability or aggression
  • Losing interest in hobbies or schoolwork
  • having trouble concentrating
  • Acting younger than their age
  • Nightmares or sleep problems


Here are 7 questions you can ask when meeting with a potential therapist:

1) What inspired you to become a therapist? 

This question can help give you some insight into why the therapist chose this career path and what motivates them in their work. 

2) How long have you been working as a therapist? 

This question can give you an idea of how much experience the therapist has in working with clients who have experienced trauma.

3) How would you describe your therapeutic approach? 

Every therapist has their own unique approach to therapy. It’s important that you find someone whose approach aligns with your beliefs about what will help your child heal.

4) What are your qualifications?

In addition to finding someone who is experienced in working with children who have experienced trauma, it’s also important that you find someone who is qualified—someone who has the necessary education and training required to provide therapy services.

5)What are your policies on confidentiality? 

It’s important that you understand the limits of confidentiality before entering into therapy so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not this is the right fit for your family.

6)How do you handle conflict? 

Conflict is inevitable in all relationships—even therapeutic ones! It’s important that you find someone whose conflict resolution style makes you feel comfortable and confident in their ability to help resolve conflict constructively.

7) What are your thoughts on (insert specific concern)? 

This is an opportunity for you to get the therapist’s thoughts on a specific concern or issue that you have about your child’s healing journey. It can also give you an idea of how well they understand and are familiar with PTSD and its effects on children.


Therapy can be an extremely helpful tool for children who have experienced trauma. If you are considering therapy for your child, it’s important that you take some time to research therapists in your area and find someone who meets all of the criteria mentioned above. Asking the right questions during your initial meeting can help set both you and your child up for success in therapy!