
He who hears the Tampa city scream is the Tampa vehicle accident attorney

Have you ever driven by a Tampa vehicle accident? How many times did you stop to see if someone got seriously injured? How many times the severe nature of the accident scared you away? Even when you don’t stop by, do you say quiet prayers, or do you turn the radio back on? We either fear stepping into the legal world unintentionally, or we pay the accident no mind intentionally.


So, what happens when we are the person on the other side of a Tampa road? The city screams with us. Carrying tears of fear in our eyes, we hope someone would stop by, pick us up, and take us to the hospital.


Till now, Tampa’s terrible roads have witnessed tons of tragic vehicle accidents and terrifying deaths. Reckless and drunk driving and tortuous and wretched roads are some of the reasons Tampa vehicle accident attorneys are hired every day. At-fault parties need to be held accountable, but what about the victim? What does a victim need to do after getting injured in a Tampa vehicle accident?



Calling the police is the best call you can make. If the at-fault driver begs you not to call the police, do call the police. Police will provide you with a clear, concise, and complete report that your Tampa vehicle accident attorney will need later on in winning your case. The police report includes WSDPI*.


  • W stands for witnesses. The report includes the number of witnesses, their names, addresses, contacts, and other relevant information.
  • S stands for statements. The police report includes the statements from both the drivers and also the witnesses.
  • D stands for description –a description of the road conditions and the accident scene.
  • P stands for proof. Proof includes the pictures of vehicles and the scene and the footage from the security cameras. Police also note down if the at-fault party was under the influence of any drugs during the accident.
  • The letter “I” stands for information –insurance and license information from both the parties.


Based on this information, your Tampa vehicle accident attorney fights tooth and nail on your behalf. He is your eyes, ears, and brain. He steps into the battlefield, wearing the garments of truth and integrity, to play tug of war with the insurance adjusters. He fights for full and fair compensation and does his best to slide justice towards your side. If he loses the war, he takes the court to the case by filing a lawsuit against the at-fault party.


There goes a lot into a one-vehicle accident case. If you didn’t receive the compensation you deserve, don’t hesitate to contact the Tampa vehicle accident attorney of AJK Legal. Learn what you missed in your first attempt. Visit AJK Legal now or dial 877-448-8404 to book a no-cost consultation today!


*To make it easier for you to understand, we converted the entire information that goes into the police report into an abbreviation. 


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