




HP/PP (all start at 2)

Health: Covers hit points. 0 means unconscious. Negative points bring lasting injuries. If your character drops to a negative number of half your original Health, you die. Health is regained by sleeping, eating, receiving medical care, or consuming potions.

Power: Covers Heroic actions and spells. Power is recovered by sleeping or consuming potions.


- Health and Power increase with experience at the following stages, with the choice of a point in either category. 5, 10, 15, 25, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 100.

*Caveats*: A Mystic (anyone containing an inkling of Essence) may never have more or equal Health points than Power points. Power usage is restricted to one per action, with the exception of spell casting. Spells can be cast with one power, or increments of two, up until ten. In the case of multiple rolls of two power, all natural stars are added onto the spell outcome, as well as moons/skulls. 




Base Traits (all start at 1)

Might: Covers strength, athletics, melee combat, and endurance

Agility: Covers stealth, balance, ranged combat, and dodges

Wisdom: Covers perception, memory, magic, and speech


- Base trait points increase with experience at the following stages, with the choice of a point in any category. 5, 10, 20, 35, 60, 80.

*Caveats*: A '4' in any Base Trait is the equivalent of complete mastery over that area and cannot be taken until the other two Traits carry a '2' or greater.




Bonus Traits (all start at 0 with no existing modifiers. Ex: [Strength: 0 - none])

Strength: Unarmed, one handed, two handed, block, heavy armor, encumbrance

Dexterity: Acrobatics, stealth, lock picking, ranged, dodge, light armor

Intelligence: History, investigation, nature, arcane schools, literacy

Insight: Perception, survival, medicine, animal handling, crafting, poisons

Charisma: Deception, intimidation, performance, persuasion

Flaws: Injury, mental instability, affliction, shortcoming


- Bonus Trait modifiers (proficiencies) are taken with experience and are leveled up through experience with that action. Each modifier can carry its own proficiency rating. Ex: Strength: 1 - Unarmed(1), one handed(2), block(1), heavy armor(1). Initial modifiers are chosen with experience gained from sessions, and subsequent proficiency points come from successful uses or purchases training sessions. Ten unarmed hits move the Unarmed(1) to Unarmed(2), twenty unarmed hits move Unarmed(2) to Unarmed(3), and forty moves it to 4, the max). Players will track level-ups themselves.

- Flaws come strictly through gameplay. Repeated injuries or particularly large hits may result in an irreversible flaw to that player. This is to promote immersion as well as caution, and the flaw will occasionally be rolled as an auto-skull if future gameplay necessitates it.

*Caveats*: A player may level up existing proficiency modifiers but may only take new modifiers at the experience gates. Each player starts with 3 proficiency points to distribute to any Bonus Trait. New proficiencies are chosen as follows: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.




Arcane Schools (magic is treated differently in this system)

Of Vargen:

1. Conjuration

2. Enchantment

3. Illusion


Of Bjornen: 

1. Abjuration

2. Divination

3. Evocation


Of Both:

1. Transmutation


- Mystics will start with one spell from one school as a 'gift' from the Brothers. All spells will work in accordance with D&D 5e schools and in tandem with the chosen Brother's allegiance. Mystics may not take spells from both Brothers' allegiances, nor may they take spells from the schools of Necromancy or Universal.

- Schools will be used as modifiers to the INT trait and will be cast using WIS + the INT proficiency for that school (if available) + at least 1 Power point. Low level spells can be unlocked before achieving proficiency, so the roll will be WIS + Power until proficiency has been attained.

- Any spell from the school can be worked into Zaelian magic with discussion between GM and PC. Some spells may be self taught, while others will require tomes, teachers, or prayer.

- Spell points and school proficiencies come with five successful casts (casting a low level Abjuration spell five times grants Abjuration(1) and the ability to begin learning more spells from that school). Proficiencies are leveled at twice the casts of the former level (Abjuration(1) moves to Abjuration(2) after ten casts, etc) up until the proficiency of 4. Players will track this themselves.

*Caveats*: Casting with more than 2 Power points only counts as one successful cast. "Power Dumping" in a session does not go toward the total amount; spells must be meaningful to add to the total. A Mystic with no Power Points may "borrow" from Zaelia herself, casting with Health points as the source of Essence rather than Power. This is inadvisable, restricted in most cities and temples, and extremely dangerous, as the magic found from Zaelia is wild and uncontrollable.