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farookriaz @farookriaz · Jul 12, 2022


Notes on Your Bakers Foundation:

Your Bakers Foundation is a registered company. (Section 8) under the Companies Act, 2013 operates from its head office at Puducherry with the meaningful objective of promoting disadvantaged, socially poor or low income sectors. Our plans and goals are driven by social, personal and environmental factors every day, not only prompting a sensible move but also significantly contributing to creating a brighter future for all.


Your Bakers Foundation has a noble vision to create and provide equal platform to every deserving person. Our team consists of like minded people mentally, socially and physically with commitment and determination to bring about positive change in the society. With our passion and vision to unleash a change, we are working hard to bridge the gap that stands in the way of an individual, a student, a woman or a man, from achieving their dreams.

“Your Bakers strongly believes that “the future belongs to those who strive to achieve their dreams”.

Purpose: Since its inception, Your Bakers Foundation has been working hard to bring about a positive change in society. We build and build a strong ecosystem with a team of highly motivated and dedicated individuals to strengthen the healthcare sector and make education accessible to all irrespective of social and financial status. With ongoing campaigns in education, forestry, entrepreneurship, food distribution, medical care, marine environment and more, Your Packers is consciously and committed to creating a climate where people feel mentally strong. All our work is designed around our three core principles: “Charity, Accountability and Sustainability”.

Founder’s Message:

Hailing from a small town called Puducherry, I grew up in a mixed culture. Steeped in ethics and principles all my life, I strongly believed that “charity begins at home”. I have never felt the pains and social injustices that have surrounded me since my earliest days. I had only a happy image of society. But the Corona pandemic has hit me hard mentally and physically. The desperation and hardships of the people affected me deeply.

People’s helplessness made me question my contribution to society. That was the impetus to rethink my view of society.

Mr Krishnaraju — Team News: We are a like-minded family that believes in “If there is a mind, there is a way.” We want to be known as passionate people who want to take one step at a time and make society a better place without any prejudices. Through our campaigns and small humanitarian actions, we have been able to see smiles on people’s faces again. The smiles on their faces gave us deep peace and since then we have been doing even the mundane things from YourBakers Foundation with extra love.

● Ocean Cleanup Campaign
● Beach cleaning campaign
● Food distribution campaign
● Afforestation campaign
● Cyber ​​awareness campaign

Ocean Cleanup Campaign: Due to widespread urban use and human use, the ocean’s ecosystem is being degraded. We at YourBakers Foundation are committed to our mission of accountability and sustainability. Along with our volunteers, we have taken up the “Ocean Cleaning Campaign” under

(1) Plastic waste found in and around fisheries has been removed.
(2) Port/naval vessels are prohibited from dumping plastic.
(3) We have improved the quality of marine life for the livelihood of fishermen.

Beach Cleanup Campaign: The importance of beach cleaning has been repeatedly emphasized by international and national forums to strike a balance between tourism and a balanced marine ecosystem. Acknowledging the effects they point to and the importance of sustainability, we at YourBakers Foundation have undertaken the highly acclaimed “Beach Cleanup Campaign”. Based on that

(1) We have developed some more “Blue Flag” beaches in Puducherry (like Eden Beach).
(2) Tourism and local economy are enhanced
(3) We have created a safe environment for aquatic and marine life without plastic and chemical additives

Food Distribution Campaign: Food distribution is as important as food production and preparation. It is becoming more and more important day by day. The advent of the Covid pandemic has brought an understanding we have never seen before. People’s helplessness motivates us at YourBakers Foundation. Accordingly

(1) Prevent wastage of agricultural wastes of perishable products
(2) Shorten the interval between receiving food
(3) Reduce the proportion of the local population going hungry These are the reasons why we started the “Food Distribution Campaign”.

Afforestation Campaign: The lush green forests in Puducherry and its surrounding areas have been greatly affected by unauthorized and human encroachment. This has not only affected the biodiversity of the local ecosystem but also the carbon footprint. With this in mind, we at YourBakers Foundation have launched the “Reforestation Campaign” under which we want
(1) Increase in green environment of Puducherry
(2) Implementation of the Miyawaki Afforestation Policy
(3) Improving air quality, sustainable ecology and protected/regressive long-term climate change.

Cyber ​​Awareness Campaign: We live in a digital age; Everything from jobs to education is controlled in a few clicks. However, every day, reports of online fraudsters are increasing. We at Yourbakers Foundation believe that “Information is the new Gold” and hence we have launched a “Facebook/Online Fraudster Campaign”. Accordingly

(1) The theft of personal information and financial resources is prevented.
(2) We have identified legitimate individuals and distinguished them from fraudsters.
(3) We have made people accept cyber security norms.

Contact: Join us on our journey! Let’s contribute together!
Office: №140, First Floor, East Coast Road, Arianguppam, Puducherry- 605007.
Phone: +91 7092245105
Website: www.yourbackers.org
Email: contact@yourbackers.org IG: