
How American Chix Should Talk!  =8^D


Definitely needs 2 get some real clothes tho'  =))


Show Off The Bod  ~  Even Pants Could Do!


Lots Of 'Classy' Options  =)


$pam E-Mail Subject: "throwing the radical leftists out of office"  <~ Y Not 'Title Cap' It? =/
From: DeAnna Lorraine [deanna (at) deannaforcongress.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 4:00 PM
To: Dood [blabla (at) live.com]  <~ Not ~;o)
Dear Dood,
Right now, Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi are working on their second coup attempt against President Trump.  It’s time to get serious about throwing the radical leftists out of office, and trying them for TREASON against the United States. That’s why I’m running for Congress.  Help me put these filthy cretins behind bars, where they belong - forward this email to your friends and family to help me fight the Swamp Monsters in Washington.  Can you remember a time in our country’s history when the Democrats were so blinded by rage and hatred that they were willing to overthrow a duly elected President? 
Let’s be clear, Patriots. This “whistleblower” is not a whistleblower at all. It is a Deep State CIA agent who was sent into the White House to spy on President Trump, and then lied to the American public about the so-called Ukrainian “quid-pro-quo” phone call.  Nancy Pelosi’s pal Adam Schiff then FABRICATED quotes from President Trump’s phone call to fool the American public further, and pretend that the call is grounds for the far-left’s impeachment inquiry.  Democrats are using an American intelligence agency against a sitting President. That happens in third-world dictatorships, not here in America. 
I need you in my corner TODAY if we are going to retire Nancy Pelosi, stop the lawless Democrats from carrying out their coup, and march them out of Congress in handcuffs.  As American Patriots, we need to put our foot down and tell the radical far-left that enough is enough.  President Trump is working tirelessly on behalf of ALL Americans, and the elites in D.C. can’t stand it. That is why they are so hell-bent on his destruction.  I want to go to Washington, D.C. to support President Trump, stand with him against the crazed Democrats, and finally serve justice to the far-left saboteurs.  Chip in today to help get me there. All of your donations will be used to advance the America First agenda, and to fight the radical agenda pushed by the Democrats and their Deep State friends. 
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Deanna Lorraine
America First Republican 
Challenger to Nancy Pelosi
Note: What R her 'views' on Israel & Iran & other 'International Issues'???  How about vaccines & 'climate change' and 'water rights' and 'animal rights'?  What about the 'migrants' already here?  Many things... Inquiring minds wanna' know! =D  2 B continued...
October 3 (Nu $pam =)  ...  Not crazy about the endless $ begging but all politicians do that, unless they got goons like ((($oros))) behind 'em I guess HAHA


Dear Fellow Patriot,

As I write this, Nancy Pelosi and the lawless radical left are trampling all over the Constitution with their bogus impeachment inquiry.

In this country, we have a rule of law, and in order to impeach a duly elected president, there MUST be high crimes and misdemeanors.

We all know that President Trump’s phone call with Ukraine violated no laws, but the Democrats and their friends in the mainstream press are gaslighting the American people into thinking he did something wrong.

Make no mistake.

Unless we fight back against Nancy Pelosi and her radical party, they will move forward with impeaching President Trump FOR NO REASON.

(Give me $ =) If we’re going to put a stop to this madness, I need your help right away. Chip in to my campaign to tell the Democrats that we still respect the RULE OF LAW.

As the Democrats proved with the bogus “Russian collusion” hoax, they will do anything to seize power and take President Trump down. They thought about impeaching him over Russia, and after failing, they’re more desperate than ever before.

This Ukraine hysteria is simply the next play in the playbook, meant to cause chaos and confusion among the public.

The Democrats would rather tear America apart with another fake scandal and a sham impeachment than see President Trump succeed, and they are prepared to do just that. But only if we let them.

(Please give me $ =) If we’re going to put a stop to this madness, I need your help right away. Chip in to my campaign to tell the Democrats that we still respect the RULE OF LAW.

By the way have you noticed that Nancy and her radical gang are accusing Trump of doing the EXACT SAME THING - a quid pro quo - that Joe Biden admitted to doing in Ukraine?

Why do Democrats always accuse Republicans of what they are doing themselves, and why are Republicans always the ones facing scrutiny despite doing nothing wrong?

It’s because the Democrats have corrupted the entire system, and are willing to disregard the rule of law to achieve their radical goals.

(Give me $ already =) Help me stop them by contributing whatever you can to my campaign today.

Thank you in advance.

DoNation$ Page ForWerdz Heer ( = main 'Give Me Yor $' page) ...


Dear Fellow Patriot,

Nancy Pelosi's tyranny over the House of Representatives was a nightmare as she reigned over D.C. with Barack Obama.

After the rise of the Tea Party, it seemed we were safely rid of the San Francisco nightmare. Predictably, the same calculating career politicians who failed to repeal Obamacare and build the border wall for Donald Trump gave us a Democrat House in 2018. It's time to take back the House, and Nancy Pelosi needs to be the first one to go.

Join me as we Fire Nancy Pelosi and help us return the House to Republican control and reintroduce conservative values and virtue to Washington, D.C.


DeAnna Lorraine, Republican Candidate for Congress
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