
Skalne bąble w granicie && Sentencje NAUKOWE w Biblii, łącznie z kilku str. zagr.

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px2195 @px2195 · Jul 1, 2022


„An exceedingly large number of polonium halos are embedded in granites around the world. Just as frozen Alka-Seltzer bubbles would be clear evidence of the quick-freezing of the water, so are these many polonium halos undeniable evidence that a sea of primordial matter quickly "froze" into solid granite. The occurrence of these polonium halos, then, distinctly implies that our earth was formed in a very short time, in complete harmony with the biblical record of creation.”


User Goduser     –Stare & „jare”, kilka linków


17 years ago

„FOR SCIENCE, the Bible does include scientific statements, and for that reason many creation researchers are depending on it. This is a fact. (http://www.icr.org http://www.halos.com/ http://www.worldbydesign.org http://www.answersingenesis.org/ http://www.christiananswers.net/creation). You should respect those many scientists. But that is not the main purpose of the Holy Scriptures. But as for education, the Holy Bible IS profitable for learning, but that is not the main purpose of the Holy Scriptures, either. The american Noah Webster considered education useless without the Bible. The Word is practically about everything. It's about becoming a new creature. And it WORKS, because I've experienced it! This is what the Bible is about: How to be saved from damnation and enter Heaven.


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„answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.”