
How to keep your skin healthy


Many women today spend a lot of money on products that promise to help maintain healthy skin. The problem is that it can be very difficult to know which products are worth buying, especially if you haven't used them before. 
As we age,  our skin's ability to stay healthy and hydrated diminishes, causing it to lose its shine and elasticity. This is largely due to the fact that our sebaceous glands and the surface of the skin are less able to produce and retain moisture. Whatever your age, taking care of your skin should be your number one priority if you want to look good.

It is likely (and necessary) that daily hydration, washing your face before going to bed and the regular application of sunscreen is part of your daily routine; But other factors contribute to the health of your skin, such as your diet or your rest. 

And it is that having healthy skin is a process that requires a lot of knowledge and effort. Next, we will teach you some basic important factors to keep your skin healthy every day of the year, in the most effective way possible.

What are the functions of the skin and how is it structured?

The skin is our largest organ, which protects our organism from environmental influences. Among other things, it is responsible for temperature regulation, the regulation of water balance, immune activities, vitamin D synthesis and protection against UV rays. We can also perceive pressure, temperature and pain via the sensory cells.

The outer layer of the skin is subject to a constant renewal process in which newly formed skin cells grow outwards, age, become horny and are shed. The outermost layer of the epidermis is the horny layer. There is a mixture of different fats (lipids) between the corneal cells, which are formed as the corneal cells age. The horny layer thus forms the essential barrier against the penetration of substances into the skin. There is a hydrolipid film over the horny layer, which also serves to protect the skin.


Important factors to keep your skin healthy

1- Drink enough water
Water supports healthy digestion, increases energy levels, and keeps your waist slim. It is recommended that most people drink about eight glasses of water a day, but do you really get smooth and glowing skin?

Many studies suggest that regular consumption of water helps to slow down the aging process of the skin. In addition, water supports the functioning of internal organs and thus helps the skin to stay hydrated.

2- Clean your skin often

Cleaning your skin is one of the most important factors in maintaining its health. That is why your skincare routine should always start with a freshly washed face; and of course, without traces of makeup or any external factor caused by pollution. 

If you think about all the oil and bacteria that accumulate on your skin throughout the day, there is no way you want that dirt to stay on your skin overnight. Therefore, it is also important that you cleanse your skin before going to bed. 

In this regard, get in the habit of washing your face with a mild cleanser every night before bed to keep your skin clean and maximize the effectiveness of skincare products. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, don't forget to wash your face in the morning too.


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