
Merits and Demerits of feeding Cerelac to kids.

As per the best Child Specialist in Delhi, Cerelac has gained a huge market of baby foods and is one of the most selling baby foods worldwide. Most mothers rely on Cerelac to fulfil the nutritional requirement of newborns as well as toddlers. On the other hand, mothers deny using Cerelac and consider it an unhealthy product or baby food. The debate has been ongoing for years now, but the question remains whether cerelac is healthy or unhealthy. Well, we have listed down a few major merits and demerits of the Cerelac which will help one to find out the conclusion of the entire debate:


Merits of Cerelac


Cerelac is the first product which strikes our mind when we talk about the healthiest baby foods that are power-packed with nutrition and are healthy for their proper growth and development. Besides, it is extremely easy to prepare so new mamas can easily manage their work schedule without worrying about their baby’s mealtime. Below-mentioned is some more benefits of Cerelac as suggested by the best Child Specialist hospital in Delhi:


1. Easy to prepare

Mothers are overburdened with a big bundle of responsibilities. From looking after the nutritional requirements of the newborns to fulfilling their grooming and hygiene needs they have to go through a lot. Hence, Cerelac is one such baby food which they can prepare within minutes and feed the growling tummy of newborns.


2. Nutritious

Sometimes new mamas are not able to produce enough milk to feed their newborns. It is in such cases that Cerelac can be of great help in providing complete nutrition to the babies.

Cerelac is nutritional dense baby food and is laboratory tested making it completely safe for consumption by newborns as well as by toddlers, says the leading Child Specialist in Delhi. Cerelac has good amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Zinc, Calcium, Iron and Magnesium. Even most child doctors or paediatrics recommend using Cerelac for the growth and development of babies.


3. Affordable

Another major benefit of Cerelac is that it is economically priced so that most families can afford this baby food to feed their babies.


4. Easily available

Not only is Cerelac affordable but it is easily available in almost every grocery store. Besides, one can easily carry it during travel or outings.


Demerits of Cerelac


Every coin has two sides to it. No doubt, Cerelac is a highly nutritious baby food and safe for consumption by babies but it has certain demerits which cannot be ignored.


1. Weight gain

Anything in access is unsafe and unhealthy. Cerelac when consumed in excessive amounts can lead to weight gain in babies.


2. Tooth decay

Tooth decay is another major concern which may shoot up as a result of poor dental hygiene.


3. Contains Sugar

Cerelac has good nutritional value, but the fact that can not be ignored is that it also comprises sugar which can lead to Alzheimer's, cardiovascular concerns, and obesity in children, says the leading Child Specialist in Delhi.