The application of cybernetics is a transdisciplinary approach that is used for exploring the regulatory systems, possibilities, constraints and structures. According to the definition provided by Norbert Wiener in 1948, cybernetics is the scientific study of communication and control in the animal and the machine.
The use of cybernetics is applicable when there is a presence of a circular causal relationship. This relationship is more clearly defined as when the system generates changes in its environment and those changes can be seen in the system in some way. The use of cybernetics is applicable in systems like physical, biological, mechanical, cognitive and social systems.
The main function of Cybernetics is to understand and implement the function according to the processes of systems that operate in causal chains. The play of cybernetics is to focus on how any mechanical and biological thing processes certain information and reacts to that information.
There are certain studies that are combined with the cybernetics that includes black boxes, feedback and some concepts like control in machines, organizations, living organisms and communication.
There are various concepts that you can learn by pursuing the study of cybernetics. Those concepts are not limited like emergence, adaptation, cognition, learning, communication, efficiency and so on.
Traces of cybernetics can be found in the early 20th century. In the 1940s contemporary cybernetics started as an interdisciplinary study that connects the field of electrical network theory, logic modelling, evolutionary biology, neuroscience and control systems.
We are writing this article about cybernetics to show about this futuristic approach that has applications in various fields. This scientific approach is a beneficiary in the step of digitization of the whole world.
The role of cybernetics has not limited its presence to certain areas only, but can be found in the business management process and organizational learning to make them more effective and efficient.
Applications of Cybernetics
1. In the Field of Biology
The role of cybernetics in the field of biology has been evolving over time. Studies about the cybernetic systems present in biological organisms basically deal with how the animals convert themselves to adapt according to the environment and how that information is passed on, in the form of genes from one generation to another.
In the field of biology, there are different types of applications of Cybernetics. Some of them are mentioned below.
A. Neuroscience
The scientific study of the nervous system is known as neuroscience. The importance of cybernetics is very much evident in neuroscience. It helps to understand physiology, molecular biology, anatomy, cytology, mathematical modelling and so on.
B. Biocybernetics
This is another name of cybernetics that is used in the field of biological science and comprises biological disciplines that are benefited by the application of cybernetics. The main role of cybernetics is to understand the complex functioning of biological systems.
2. In the Field of Engineering
Cybernetics has applications in the field of engineering. It helps to analyze the cascading failures and system accidents and helps to prevent them from happening. It is used to forecast, plan and avoid those small errors, which can cause future disasters.
A. Ergonomics
When the application of cybernetics is applied in the physiological and psychological principles to design products, systems and processes, it helps to reduce human errors, increase productivity and also helps in enhancing safety measures and comfort. This also helps in designing and creating ergonomic products.
B. BME (Biomedical Engineering)
The use of cybernetics in BME is a concept in which the science of engineering and medicine is combined together to solve tricky problems.
3. In the Field of Management
In the field of management, it has grown and has so many applications. Some applications of cybernetics in the field of management are mentioned below.
A. Entrepreneurial Cybernetics
The introduction of entrepreneurial cybernetics was first done in the 1950s by Stafford Beer. Beer was the one who has developed a theory with the help of cybernetics.
B. OR (Operation Research)
Operation research is a field that includes the application of advanced analytical methods, which helps in making effective and efficient decisions.
4. In the Field of Psychology
There are various types of mental and physical problems a person goes through and it can be dealt with the help of cybernetics. Some of the applications of cybernetics in the field of psychology are mentioned below.
A. To Deal with Mind and Body Problem
Mind and body problems are a concerning factor. There is always a debate among people about the relationship between thought and consciousness. This question can be answered with the help of cybernetics.
B. Consciousness
Consciousness is a simple word, but it is much more complex. That’s why there is a need for cybernetics to understand its complexity.
5. In the Field of Art
Cybernetic is a technological advancement in most fields. The field of art also has benefitted from this technological advancement. The cybernetic has affected the field of art in various ways. We have some of those given below.
A. Telematic Art
It is a descriptive way of creating art projects using computer mediated telecommunication networks as a medium. It’s an innovative way of showing art with the help of impressive technological advancement. It also challenges the old traditional arts. It helps in creating interactive, behavioural contexts.
B. Interactive Art
This is a form of art in which there is the involvement of a spectator, which allows the art to achieve its main purpose. Interactive art consists of a futuristic approach that allows the people to walk into or on it and around them.
Cybernetics is an emerging technology that comes with a lot of opportunities that one can imagine. There are various sectors where this technology has spread its reach and innovated a new way of functioning with its futuristic approach.
In this article, we have mentioned some sectors where the application of cybernetics takes place, but there are a lot of places where its use has taken place. With the help of Cybernetics, various industries and sectors have taken revolutionary steps like medical, educational, industrial, and so on. Its application is spreading quickly around the globe.
The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time!