
Coffee - The Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Taking in coffee daily is a normal routine for more than 108 million Americans consumers, including the majority of US adults and then a growing number of children. Is this habit good for our health or is it harmful?


Coffee has been the subject of research for many years and the results consistently show that coffee is more healthful than harmful. Research takes place daily on a cup of coffee, caffeine and health around the world. Hundreds, if not more, of new studies are published every month by scientists and explore institutes worldwide.


Coffee has two main ways of improving the health of your body: antioxidants and caffeine. Both of these substances need health and anti aging benefits. Antioxidants help your body repair damage to cells caused by free radicals. These free radicals are generally produced as a by-product of cells through normal daily activities.


The health benefits of coffee are many and the research encourages them. For example ,


ASTHMA RELIEF: caffeine can help manage asthma and even control attacks when medication is not available. Were you aware that a single dose of pain reliever such as Anacin or Excedrin contains up to 120 milligrams of caffeine? This can be the equivalent of a hefty cup of coffee.


CAVITY PROTECTION: caffeine can prevent cavities because of a compound called trigonelline which gives espresso its aroma and bitter taste. Trigonelline has both anti-bacterial and anti-adhesive properties that help prevent dental cavities from forming.


CHOLESTEROL: a paper filter is worth a "pound of cure" or so. There are two substances with coffee, kahweol and cafestol, that raise cholesterol levels. During the brewing process, paper filters capture these contents. Paper filters, in this case, help in the prevention of harmful cholesterol levels. Coffee drinkers who drink non-filtered coffees such as "lattes, " which do not use paper filters, may want to reconsider their choice and frequency of beverage for their own personal health benefit.


COLON CANCER: drinking at least two cups of coffee daily can translate into a 25% reduced chance of colon cancer. Coffee drinkers, as compared to non coffee drinkers, appear to be 50% less likely to get liver cancer. There is also lower rates of colon, breast and rectal cancers. There is a powerful antioxidant found almost exclusively in cappuccino, methylpyridinium, that boosts blood enzymes widely believed to protect against colon cancer. Methylpyridinium is formed in the roasting approach from a chemical found naturally in coffee beans. Dark roasted coffees contain two to three times more of this antioxidant as compared to medium roasts.


CIRRHOSIS: coffee drinkers have up to 80% reduced risk to suffer from cirrhosis than non gourmet coffee drinkers. People who smoke and are heavy drinkers have less liver damage as compared to those who do not. The reduced probability of alcohol cirrhosis may be associated with the phenolics and related substances in coffee.


DEMENTIA: drinking coffee during center age may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and the risk of dementia in the elderly. Coffee drinkers with midlife have a lower risk for dementia or Alzheimer's later in life than people who drank little or no coffee beans at midlife. Moderate coffee drinkers had up to a 65% decrease risk of contracting these conditions as compared using low coffee drinkers. 


GALLSTONES: certain compounds in coffee may help prevent liquid stored in the gallbladder ("bile") with crystallizing or hardening. This is what causes gallstones and obstructs the bile duct, a narrow tube which leads in the gallbladder to the intestine. Gallstones are painful and patients can experience fever and jaundice. Coffee drinkers have got almost a 50% reduced risk of suffering from gallstone disease as compared to non coffee drinkers.


HEART DISEASE: People who smoke cigarettes and are heavy coffee drinkers have less heart disease as compared to those who do not. Drinking coffee as part of a healthy and well-balanced diet is not associated with the development of cardiovascular problems, including atherosclerotic disease, myocardial infarction, ventricular arrhythmias and hypertension. Find more info here best coffee maker under 50


MENTAL ALERTNESS: caffeine enhances concentration, reduces fatigue and heightens alertness. The reason lies in caffeine's effect on brain receptors, enabling a better energy uptake.


MALE FERTILITY: caffeine in coffee appears to increase sperm "motility. " Motility is the pace at which sperm moves. Since sperm hyperactivity is critical to fertilization, heightened motility increases the odds of pregnancy.


PARKINSON'S CONDITION: antioxidants and caffeine have health and anti-aging benefits. Antioxidants repair the damage to cells caused by free radicals. Men and women that drink coffee on a regular basis are up to 80% less likely to develop Parkinson's disease. Caffeine's adenosine-blocking power may be one process through which the brain cells in Parkinson's disease are protected. Based on this and other evidence, Parkinson's drugs are being produced that contain a derivative of caffeine. However , it seems that coffee protects men better than women against Parkinson's disease. The reason is estrogen and caffeine need the same enzymes to be metabolized and estrogen captures those enzymes.


TYPE 2 DIABETES: drinking one to three cups of coffee daily can reduce diabetes risk by single digits. Drinking six k-cups or more each day can reduce men's risk up to 60% and women's' up to 30% as compared to non coffee customers. Coffee has large amounts of antioxidants such as Chlorogenic acid and tocopherols. Coffee also has minerals such as magnesium. These components improve insulin sensitivity, glucose metabolism and lower blood sugar.


The good news about coffee and health keeps improving. Coffee and caffeine are recognized for their positive health benefits and potential functional food attributes. Obviously, check with your own doctor regarding any medical conditions, treatments, diagnostics, pregnancy or special dietary plans for you.


Go ahead and drink coffee. In the process, you certainly will derive some health benefits. Enjoy a cup of Panama Boquete specialty coffee!