
Arowana Fish


  Arowana Fish                   


The Asian arowana, otherwise called dragon fish or the winged serpent fish, is accepted by the Chinese to bring prosperity and success because of its red tone and coin-like scales. The Asian arowana is the world's most costly aquarium fish.

Features of Asian Arowana Fish:

Arowanas are lone fish and just permit organization while youthful; grown-ups may show strength and animosity. Some viable species regularly collaborated with this fish are jokester knifefish, pacu, Oscars, puma cichlids, green fear, gar, tinfoil point, Siamese tiger fish, and others to some degree forceful fish that can't fit in the arowana's mouth. These fish are best kept with live or frozen feed and they effectively grow out of the tank within 8 to 10 months. An aquarium of 150 gallons is a base, while tanks as much as 400-600 gallons are ideal Australian species are best kept alone in aquaria.

The arowana fish is a facultative air breather and can acquire oxygen from air by sucking it into its swim bladder, which is fixed with vessels like lung tissue. There are 10 kinds of arowana ordinarily kept as pets; 4 from Asia, 3 from South America, 2 from Australia, and 1 from Africa.


It is a tropical freshwater fish from Southeast Asia that grows three feet in length in nature. That similarity has generated the conviction that the fish brings good luck and flourishing wealth in the family, which is the reason it has gotten an exceptionally sought-after aquarium fish. It is assessed that the complete yearly income of the Asian arowana area was over 200 million US dollars worldwide since 2012. Arowana are known to utilize their dainty, ground-breaking body to leap out of the water to catch airborne prey. Due to its enormous scopes and red shading, it is given the moniker "dragonfish."

Water Parameters:

Water boundaries ought to be observed routinely by utilizing economically accessible water test packs. As a general guideline:


  • Smelling salts (NH4): Should be kept at totally 0 ppm
  • Nitrites (NO3): Should be kept at totally 0 ppm
  • Nitrates (NO4): Should be kept under 40 ppm


As far as temperature:

Arowanas are exotic fish, so they ought to be kept in the water around 30° Celsius (or 86° Fahrenheit). Be that as it may, Australian arowanas are known to have the option to flourish in cooler temperatures.

Concerning the water hardness:

Most arowanas are as of now reproduced in hostage, so they're ready to endure a more extensive scope of water hardness. Notwithstanding, they do best with water hardness levels of 6.0-7.0 Ph.

The Bottom Line:

Asian arowana is a jeopardized species and prohibited in the United States. It is a superficial point of interest among affluent Asian men. A pale-skinned arowana sold at a record cost of $300,000 in 2009. Most pet arowana are cultivated behind high-security wall. In spite of their jeopardized status in the wild, the hostage rearing of this species for the aquarium diversion exchange has expanded dramatically with a larger number of people in bondage than in nature.

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