
{{Script info
|author=Chris Peterson
|short=produces human-readable recording filenames
|long=Creates symlinks to local recordings from a user defined
|category=User Job Scripts

'''mythlink.py''' is a Python script (written by [[User:Xris | Chris Peterson]]) for creating human-readable symlinks to MythTV recordings. Once you have created a directory of readable symlinks, the show can be archived with the link's name using appropriate copy or move commands.

== Usage ==

Database and directory settings are automatically detected, so usage is as simple as:

mythlink.py --link [destination directory]

In the event that <code>[destination directory]</code> exists, mythlink.py will first delete all symlinks underneath that directory and then begin creating new symlinks. This will remove symlinks to recordings that have since been deleted.

Note that when specifying <code>--filename</code> or <code>--chanid</code> and <code>--starttime</code>, deletion of old symlinks is suppressed. Therefore, anyone using this script in a user job or with the event system should still run the script occasionally without the <code>--filename</code> or <code>--chanid</code> and <code>--starttime</code> arguments to allow removal of links that referred to recordings since deleted. Alternatively, you may use a script triggered on "Recording deleted" and "Recording expired" to remove the specific link when its recording is removed.

See <code>mythlink.py --help</code> (as [[mythlink.py#Help_Output|below]]) for more information.

== Examples ==

mythlink.py --link /mnt/pretty --format '%T/%T%-%S'

creates links using the format <code>[title]/[title]-[subtitle]</code>

mythlink.py --link /mnt/pretty --format '%Y%m%d-%H%i-%eH%ei-%T-%S'

creates links using the format <code>[startdate]-[starttime]-[endtime]-[title]-[subtitle]</code>

mythlink.py --link /mnt/pretty --format '%T/%Y%m%d-%H%i-%eH%ei-%S'

creates links using the format <code>[title]/[startdate]-[starttime]-[endtime]-[subtitle]</code>

mythlink.py --link /mnt/pretty --format '%U-%T-%Y%m%d-%H%i-%eH%ei-%S'

creates links using the format <code>[recgroup]-[title]-[startdate]-[starttime]-[endtime]-[subtitle]</code>

mythlink.py --link /mnt/pretty --format '%C-%T-%Y%m%d-%H%i-%eH%ei-%S'

creates links using the format <code>[category]-[title]-[startdate]-[starttime]-[endtime]-[subtitle]</code>

mythlink.py --link /mnt/pretty --format '%T-%oY%om%od-%S'

creates links using the format <code>[title]-[original airdate]-[subtitle]</code>

== Using as a User Job ==

When used as a [[User_Jobs|User Job]], <code>mythlink.py</code> will be executed when the recording ends, and can be configured such that it only creates a link for the new recording. To use the script as a [[User_Jobs|User Job]], specify the <code>--chanid</code> and <code>--starttime</code> arguments in addition to any other desired arguments and it will create a link only for the new recording:

mythlink.py --link /mnt/pretty --chanid "%CHANID%" --starttime "%STARTTIME%" --format '%T/%T%-%S'
{{Note box|You will also need to run mythlink.py separately to remove old symlinks. See [[mythlink.py#Usage|Usage]].}}

== Using with MythTV System Events ==

When using the script with [[MythTV System Events]], <code>mythlink.py</code> can be executed as soon as the recording begins, using the <code>Recording started</code> event. To use the script with [[MythTV System Events]], specify the <code>--chanid</code> and <code>--starttime</code> arguments in addition to any other desired arguments, and it will create a link only for the new recording:

mythlink.py --link /mnt/pretty --chanid "%CHANID%" --starttime "%STARTTIME%" --format '%T/%T%-%S'
Users with a relatively slow storage device (eg on a nas drive) have found it necessary to delay starting mythlink.py:
sleep 10 && mythlink.py --link /mnt/pretty --chanid "%CHANID%" --starttime "%STARTTIME%" --format '%T/%T%-%S'

{{Note box|You will also need to run mythlink.py separately to remove old symlinks. See [[mythlink.py#Usage|Usage]].}}

== Help Output ==

mythlink.py usage:


--link [destination directory]
--dest [destination directory]
--destination [destination directory]
--path [destination directory]

(This option can be given as --link, --dest, --destination or --path.
All of these alternatives produce the same behaviour.)

Specify the directory for the links. If no pathname is given, links will
be created in the show_names directory inside of the current mythtv data
directory on this machine. eg:


WARNING: ALL symlinks within the destination directory and its
subdirectories (recursive) will be removed.

--chanid chanid

Create a link only for the specified recording file. Use with --starttime
to specify a recording. This argument may be used with the event-driven
notification system's "Recording started" event or in a post-recording
user job.

--starttime starttime

Create a link only for the specified recording file. Use with --chanid
to specify a recording. This argument may be used with the event-driven
notification system's "Recording started" event or in a post-recording
user job.

--filename absolute_filename

Create a link only for the specified recording file. This argument may be
used with the event-driven notification system's "Recording started" event
or in a post-recording user job.


Include live tv recordings.

default: do not link live tv recordings


default: %T %- %Y-%m-%d, %g-%i %A %- %S

%T = Title (show name)
%S = Subtitle (episode name)
%R = Description
%C = Category
%U = RecGroup
%hn = Hostname of the machine where the file resides
%c = Channel: MythTV chanid
%cn = Channel: channum
%cc = Channel: callsign
%cN = Channel: channel name
%y = Recording start time: year, 2 digits
%Y = Recording start time: year, 4 digits
%n = Recording start time: month
%m = Recording start time: month, leading zero
%j = Recording start time: day of month
%d = Recording start time: day of month, leading zero
%g = Recording start time: 12-hour hour
%G = Recording start time: 24-hour hour
%h = Recording start time: 12-hour hour, with leading zero
%H = Recording start time: 24-hour hour, with leading zero
%i = Recording start time: minutes
%s = Recording start time: seconds
%a = Recording start time: am/pm
%A = Recording start time: AM/PM
%ey = Recording end time: year, 2 digits
%eY = Recording end time: year, 4 digits
%en = Recording end time: month
%em = Recording end time: month, leading zero
%ej = Recording end time: day of month
%ed = Recording end time: day of month, leading zero
%eg = Recording end time: 12-hour hour
%eG = Recording end time: 24-hour hour
%eh = Recording end time: 12-hour hour, with leading zero
%eH = Recording end time: 24-hour hour, with leading zero
%ei = Recording end time: minutes
%es = Recording end time: seconds
%ea = Recording end time: am/pm
%eA = Recording end time: AM/PM
%py = Program start time: year, 2 digits
%pY = Program start time: year, 4 digits
%pn = Program start time: month
%pm = Program start time: month, leading zero
%pj = Program start time: day of month
%pd = Program start time: day of month, leading zero
%pg = Program start time: 12-hour hour
%pG = Program start time: 24-hour hour
%ph = Program start time: 12-hour hour, with leading zero
%pH = Program start time: 24-hour hour, with leading zero
%pi = Program start time: minutes
%ps = Program start time: seconds
%pa = Program start time: am/pm
%pA = Program start time: AM/PM
%pey = Program end time: year, 2 digits
%peY = Program end time: year, 4 digits
%pen = Program end time: month
%pem = Program end time: month, leading zero
%pej = Program end time: day of month
%ped = Program end time: day of month, leading zero
%peg = Program end time: 12-hour hour
%peG = Program end time: 24-hour hour
%peh = Program end time: 12-hour hour, with leading zero
%peH = Program end time: 24-hour hour, with leading zero
%pei = Program end time: minutes
%pes = Program end time: seconds
%pea = Program end time: am/pm
%peA = Program end time: AM/PM
%oy = Original Airdate: year, 2 digits
%oY = Original Airdate: year, 4 digits
%on = Original Airdate: month
%om = Original Airdate: month, leading zero
%oj = Original Airdate: day of month
%od = Original Airdate: day of month, leading zero
%% = a literal % character

* The program start time is the time from the listings data and is not
affected by when the recording started. Therefore, using program start
(or end) times may result in duplicate names. In that case, the script
will append a "counter" value to the name.

* A suffix of .mpg or .nuv will be added where appropriate.

* To separate links into subdirectories, include the / format specifier
between the appropriate fields. For example, "%T/%S" would create
a directory for each title containing links for each recording named
by subtitle. You may use any number of subdirectories in your format


The string used to separate sections of the link name. Specifying the
separator allows trailing separators to be removed from the link name and
multiple separators caused by missing data to be consolidated. Indicate the
separator character in the format string using either a literal character
or the %- specifier.

default: '-'


Characters in the link name which are not legal on some filesystems will
be replaced with the given character

illegal characters: \ : * ? < > | "

default: '-'


Replace whitespace in filenames with underscore characters.

default: No underscores


Rename the recording files back to their default names. If you had
previously used mythrename.py to rename files (rather than creating links
to the files), use this option to restore the file names to their default

Renaming the recording files is no longer supported. Instead, use
http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/mythfs.py to create a FUSE file system that
represents recordings using human-readable file names or use mythlink.py to
create links with human-readable names to the recording files.


Print debug info.

default: No info printed to console


Show this help text.

--renderpart RENDERPART

Use the following as template for rendering part
numbers. Use %x as the place where the part number
should go e.g. "(Part %x)" or "pt%x".


Stops the disabling of the replacement texts

==Python prerequisites==
'''mythlink.py''' requires the Python MythTV libraries to be installed


mythlink.py is a contributed script. Currently it is only available by source download from github.

== Tips ==

If you have previously run the mythrename.py command and changed your recording file names, you should change them back using:

mythlink.py --rename

If creating a cron job entry to run mythlink.py at regular intervals you may need to use a back slash to quote the % symbols if using the format option

e.g. */5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mythlink.py --link /media/nas/tvtmp --format \%T/\%Y\%m\%d:\%H\%i


If you get this error: "Unable to connect to mythbackend, is it running?" check the following file:

.mythtv/config.xml, and you need to ensure the following has a value (Mythbuntu 14.04.1 does not): <LocalHostName>my-unique-identifier-goes-here</LocalHostName>

[[Category:Python Scripts]]