
Living with Piles: Understanding Symptoms and Surgical Solutions

Hemorrhoids, also referred to as piles, are a widespread condition among a large number of people in the world. The swollen veins in the rectum cause pain. Though piles can be regulated easily, in severe cases, surgical treatments have to be considered. This blog would describe the symptoms of piles, along with some possible treatments for it. Surgical interventions will also be discussed for severe cases.

What Are the Symptoms of Piles?

Piles cause many uncomfortable symptoms. These symptoms include itching, pain, and bleeding in the stools during bowel movement. Some get swelling around the anus or feel a lump. However,  Internal piles usually cause painless bleeding. External piles more frequently cause painful discomfort.

In some cases, piles may become unbearable when sitting or changing position. It is an illness that in certain cases needs medication and proper treatment. Additionally, if the symptoms do not subside or get worse, then it is always advisable to consult a doctor for proper guidance. An Internal medicine specialist Baroda can give the right guidance and accurate diagnosis.

Causes of Piles

There are several causes of piles. It generally occurs due to chronic constipation or diarrhoea. Another major cause is when there is straining during the bowel movement. More importantly, sitting for a long time, as done while on the toilet, places pressure on the veins. Additionally, pregnancy also forms one reason the pelvic veins are under pressure during pregnancy.

A low-fibre diet generally leads to constipation, which again allows piles. Overweight and obesity can also cause pressure on the rectal veins. Therefore, healthy food habits and exercise, in regular practice, are advisable as a precaution against piles.

Diagnosis and Non-Surgical Treatments

Doctors generally diagnose piles with physical examination alone. Patients might undergo further tests to diagnose other conditions that may cover up the condition. The treatment also largely depends on the severity of symptoms presented. For example, some mild piles can be well treated by changing lifestyles. Some of the common ways through which the condition can be treated include diets rich in fiber, drinking large amounts of water, and not straining on stool.

Moreover, creams and ointment from a pharmacy can be applied to ease the pain and swelling only temporarily. Doctors may also give stool softeners to make bowel movements easier.

Surgical Solutions for Piles

In severe cases of piles, other treatments can never be a substitute for surgery. However, there are many surgical treatments for piles as well, and each surgery has its own plus point. Such surgical operations are undertaken on a patient according to the intensity of piles and according to the medical condition of the patient.

  • Hemorrhoidectomy: Most piles surgery is hemorrhoidectomy. It removes the haemorrhoids. Although recovery can be longer, it permanently eliminates the disorder. It is particularly effective for severe cases as well.
  • Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy:This procedure transfers the tissue of the pile to another place. It is less painful than hemorrhoidectomy and heals rapidly, yet it cannot be used in all piles cases.
  • Laser Surgery: This is the least invasive technique. Here the laser energy is applied on the piles, which causes shrinking of those piles. Such a treatment is pain-free, and the time to get recovered is very less. But it cannot be effectively used where the piles are huge and severe.
  • Sclerotherapy: An injection of a chemical solution into the piles is done. Sometime after this injection, the piles shrink due to the chemical solution. Sclerotherapy works best for minor piles and recovery is faster.

Importance of Post-Surgical Care

After the surgery, proper care ensures recovery. Doctors generally advise bed rest for at least a day or two. So that the patients can experience minimal discomfort. The patients must avoid heavy lifting and straining during bowel movements. A high-fibre diet and adequate hydration through water constitute integral parts of recovery.

However, if the condition is severe, sometimes surgery can be performed at an intensive care unit hospital. Here, under close observation by the doctor, everything will go well, and no complications will arise. However, if the patients strictly adhere to the care instructions mapped out after surgery by the doctor, then full recovery is assured.

When to Seek Medical Help?

For all symptoms, you may have to consult your doctor. Prolonged pain, bleeding, or irritation should never be taken lightly. It may lead to complications and exacerbation of the condition if ignored. In some extreme cases, untreated piles may even cause anaemia due to high blood loss.

The medical help required can be obtained by consulting a doctor for piles treatment in Vadodara. Early intervention will prevent the situation from turning severe. Doctors can prescribe the correct treatment plan according to the severity of your symptoms.


Living with piles can be challenging, but it is manageable. Awareness of the symptoms and causes will aid in an early diagnosis. There are many ways to treat piles and these range from lifestyle modification to surgical operations. Surgery is typically the last outcome for many patients, but it lasts permanently for the most severe cases. Remember that proper postoperative care is important in ensuring full recovery. Don’t hesitate to seek medical attention if you have recurring symptoms. You should seek the advice of a specialist in internal medicine, which will then lead you to the right treatment plans.
