
What is the Best for My Child to Prepare for the 11+ Entrance Exam?


Looking to understand what the 11+ exam is? Want to know how and when to prepare your child for it in the best possible way? You’ve come to the right place. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can prepare your child to ace the 11+ exam in the best way possible:


What is the 11+ exam that you’re hearing so much about?

The 11+ exam is a selective entrance test administered in England to students in the ultimate year of their primary education. The exam is recognized by both state-funded grammar schools and private schools. 

The primary objective of this exam is to select the most academically-able children and transfer them into grammar schools to continue and complete their secondary education. 

The 11+ exam evaluates children on their intellectual abilities by questioning them on numeracy, literacy, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, all of which target to test different intellectual skills within the child. 

The 11+ exam has two exam boards: CEM (Durham University) and GL Assessment. The exam board that will be allotted to your child would depend on the location of your chosen grammar school. 


What will be tested in this exam?

Generally speaking, a combo of four subjects would be assessed:

1) English (comprehension, punctuation, grammar, and creative writing)

2) Mathematics

3) Verbal reasoning

4) Non-verbal reasoning

The content and structure of the English and Mathematics tests would be by the National Curriculum. However, the Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning subjects are not a part of the curriculum of the state primary schools, as a result of which, their tests would vary. 


What do I do to help my child get in the zone and nail the exam?

Here’s how you can get your child to ace the 11+ exam:

Simply start training them for the exam as soon as possible. This will no doubt help your child conquer the 11+, but it would also develop your child’s intellectual abilities to a wondrous extent from an early stage, which would be greatly beneficial in all the times to come. 

So, get them in work-mode from early on. By doing so, your child would get in the habit of doing and understanding the concept and idea of academic studies from the get-go. 

This way, as the years pass by, they would not resent you or the school when having to do their academic studies. 


Now, you’ll be thinking…


I understand that, BUT HOW DO I DO IT?

We got you.

We are the go-to tuition center in Slough for 11+ grammar school entrance exam prep!

We at The Tuition Arena have analyzed that the 11+ exam consists of 10 basic components, all of which can be taught from an early age and at an easy level, to begin with. 

So, what exactly do we do? We start preparing your child for these 10 components of the 11+ grammar school entrance examination from the age of 5 with very basic questions, which are identical to the type of questions your child will be facing in their 11+ exam at the age of 10. 


We understand that the 11+ examination is a milestone in your child’s learning journey and we’re here to prove that even though the exam may be generalized, the learning isn’t.

So, let’s turn the tides more in our favor! 


We are the Best 11+ Online Tuition Centre in all of Slough! And what sets us apart from general tutors is:

  • Testing your child’s aptitude beforehand to excel 11+. 
  • Our highly personalized approach to tutoring – by analyzing what your child needs and devising a plan ourselves according to that, or catering specifically to what your child asks for.
  • Providing the best customized 11+ tuition in Slough.


We understand the importance of the 11+ exam for you and so we make it easier for you. We focus on only what’s most valuable and meaningful for your child.

What matters to your child the most, matters to us. Simple as that. 


Choosing to excel? Enquire and Enrol with us now! :)