
My curiosity prompted me, there is little, to ask me how to ensure a wide audience on the Internet from scratch. While digging a little, I discovered that Instagram was the social network (among all that exist) on which it is the easiest to make known.

Especially since, the network is growing day by day and has millions of users. (Find the numbers here)

Of course, some people also earn thousands of subscribers on YouTube in just a few weeks. It is true. But it takes a lot of work and investment (both personal and financial) to film, then edit and finally publish the videos.

Other people have titanic Facebook pages but, it should be noted that they have not been done in a day and because of the algorithm that decreases the organic reach of publications, it is more difficult to start and especially to have a good range at the level of its publications.

Say you have a project. Think about what 1000 or 2000 qualified prospects could bring you. Many, be sure! Or do you have a passion, a hobby and you want to share it with others?

Imagine that you can interact with other people who share this passion. Hundreds of people. Great, no?

On Instagram, you can start from 0, with only your smartphone and gather a community of correct size in just a few weeks.

Then offers you a great opportunity. And in this article, I give you the keys to succeed, step by step.

I can tell you this knowingly since I myself have followed these steps, several times, on several topics and that in addition, these are techniques used by Instagram users who have "big" accounts (i.e. accounts that gather millions of Followers).

It is obvious that I cannot promise you that after 15 days, you will have thousands of Followers, because there is still a job to put in place to get there.

Everything depends on your theme. Surely, it is easier to gather a lot of subscribers around a topic on the aesthetics or the visual.

Thus, an account that talks about travel, beauty or small cats is more likely to attract people than an account on accounting or computer, thematic seen as less glamorous.

But nothing is impossible!

Ready to discover how to take off on Instagram? Let's go!

Here's how to start on Instagram and go from 0 to thousands of subscribers quickly.

Be logical and picky on Instagram

To develop your community, you must have a central theme, which is the core of your Instagram account (travel, fashion, new technologies, food, finance ...). The choice is wide and varied.

Be careful, however, to choose one and stay fairly consistent from start to finish.

You follow an account that regularly publish beautiful pictures of landscapes. Suddenly, the account starts to be invaded by photos of jewels, photos of jewels of a fashion designer in Paris. You're not very happy, are you? Well, if you start doing the same thing, your subscribers either.

We must think of subscribers first! But without falling into the opposite effect and always publish the same.

Even if your account has a main theme, you can post photos of another theme related to the first one.

For example: a site that publishes landscape photos can also occasionally share photos of exotic dishes. It will not hurt his editorial line.

Once you have determined your theme, the niche of your account, you must think of the aesthetics.

This is one of the primary concerns of Instagram, which is a social network based on the publication of various photos and images and also videos.

Unlike Snapchat, Instagram posts are still displayed on your profile.

That's why you have to stay consistent in the aesthetics of your publications.

You can choose to put a special filter on your photos to keep the same aesthetic, a color that will dominate your publications or an original style.

Be diligent

Even if aesthetics occupies a big place on Instagram, it is also important to be hard to get out of the game on this social network (but also on others).

For example, the known YouTubers have gained their reputation by posting a video per day over a certain period of time (in the manner of Jean Rivière, Antoine BlancheMaison or Ludovic Barthélémy in web marketing).

That's why you have to publish at least once a day or twice.

This allows you to link a relationship with your audience.

The ideal is to set up an appointment every day, at the same time if possible, to publish your content and thus cause a real connection.

It is by publishing daily logical and quality content that you can advance.

Use hashtags

Thanks to the hashtags, you can switch from photo to photo, even if it's not linked to your newsfeed.

They form an internal network on Instagram.

With a hashtag, you can also bring together publications that talk about the same thing.

They also allow you to make sure that even those who do not follow you (but who share the same interests as you) can see your publications.

[I give you an example: if I have an account talking about beautiful pools, then I could use the following hashtags: #pool #pool #pool #nager #swimmingpool #swim etc.]

There are also sites that help you find the most sensible hashtags for your publications.

However, know that Instagram has an integrated search engine that can help you find hashtags.

Let's say that you are looking for hashtags related to sport (#sport), Instagram can offer hashtags related to this one like #combat, #course etc. By clicking on one of the hashtags, you can also find others, it is almost to infinity!

You can also watch the hashtags used by your competitors.

Be careful! Do not use hashtags that are unrelated to the published photo (for example, if you have a photo of your dog, do not put hashtags related to beautiful cars, luxury or travel).

Avoid including hashtags that have nothing to do even if they are popular, if they are not in line with your content, it will generate traffic to your account which is not then qualified to your publications.

Although it may seem logical to you, some are ready for anything to have some extra likes.

Similarly, if you want a French audience, favor the French hashtags. The English hashtags can bring you a more global audience that would not have much interest for your project.

Instagram also offers you the ability to create your own hashtags, intrinsic to your account or brand.

This encourages your subscribers to create content about you using only these hashtags. This is called "user-generated-content".

In addition to hashtags, you can distinguish yourself with the location of your publications, it is besides a council and a trick to use well.

On Instagram, it is possible to specify where the photo was taken.

This can be useful because it allows you to see what is happening near you, to have different points of view on where you live and it anchors your account on a sector (local or global).

Do not neglect this function because it can help you grow your account.

Look after your profile

Although this may seem obvious, this aspect is often overlooked.

Remember that your profile is your showcase on Instagram and that you must treat it.

First, choose a profile photo well framed and adapted to the Instagram format (in a circle).

If you have decided to put a logo as a profile picture, be careful to place it in the center of the circle.

Then, write your biography carefully. You have the opportunity to reveal your personality in a few words but also what you intend to publish on your profile.

The (moderate) use of emoji can reinforce your purpose.

If you have a website, this is the place to insert a link that will redirect your subscribers to that site.

This is your only chance to place a link on Instagram. So, do not hesitate!

Use subscribers of competitors or Follow mass

Mass-follow, what is it? This indicates to follow a large number of accounts in order to be noticed by those who own these accounts so that they follow you back (follow-back).

This practice, common to Twitter and Instagram, is very common though controversial.

Indeed, mass-follow can be used inappropriately and thus get closer to spam.

For my part, I target the most popular Instagram accounts that look like mine and I am their subscribers (and I advise you to do the same).

This is how you can develop a network of subscribers who are interested in your content.

Why not try to follow the active subscribers of your competitors by following the different accounts that have liked their latest publications?


For information, there are some software for Instagram that will work and do the job for you.

There was instagress but the service seems closed. In similar service you will have Archie, MassPlaner, and Socedo.

At the time I write this article, some scripts exist but know that Instagram is chasing them. They close one after the other.

Being active and present

It's not enough to post a photo organic instagram growth every day, you also have to mark your presence on Instagram.

You can, for example, go to the various hashtags of your theme and like or comment on the publications.

Again, pay attention to the comments.

For example, avoid writing the same comment under each photo.

It can be seen right away and it is not necessarily pleasant.


Indeed, it is like spam and everyone is doing very well.

It's better to make personalized comments.

Analyze the results

Several tools that allow you to get detailed statistics about your account exist.

Nevertheless, Instagram also provides you with information via the "statistics" tab of your profile (professional profile only).

It is possible to find a lot of information on your publications or subscribers for example.

With this you can check which publications attracted the most audience or generated the most likes and comments.

This is especially useful if you want to publish similar content to an old publication that would have worked well but also to prevent you from making a mistake again by publishing content that has not met its audience.

This also allows you to know some information about your subscribers like their age, where they come from, their gender etc.

And thanks to this, you will be able to create a typical subscriber and customize your approach through your account.

Finally, it also helps you know the times of the day and the days of the week when your subscribers are the most active.

Especially useful for knowing when to publish your content and thus maximize their impact.

Here's what to remember from Instagram to have Followers

• Think about your theme and overall aesthetics of your account

• Create the account

• Enrich your profile (photo, bio, link to your site ...)

• Post a photo daily

• Choose appropriate hashtags and prioritize geo-location

• Be active and present, like publications related to your theme and especially answer the requests and messages of your subscribers

• Analyze the results of your account in details

• Move to automation (possibly) through the various tools that can help you as Instagress, MassPlaner, and FollowLikers etc.