
Top 5 Wheelys Alternatives to Boost your Street Business


Starting an own business is a dream come true for many people. And street businesses are a popular choice among people who wants to start their business with low investment. The traditional petrol/gas carts can help you kick start your venture. 

But choosing Wheelys Alternatives like e-bikes and carts are eco-friendly and have multiple benefits too. So if you are planning to start a street business or have one, keep reading. Here, we will discuss 5 top alternatives to boost your business.

  • Original e-coffee Bike –

Original e-coffee Bikes are one of the popular Wheelys alternatives in the market. If you want to start a coffee business like a mobile coffee shop, then the original e-coffee bikes are a perfect solution for your business. The bike has a motor that supports paddling, and you do not have to paddle hard every time.  

The bike is designed with beautiful LED lighting, Shimano gears, stainless Steel box, and an electric motor. It also has an additional black box inside that you can use to keep your everyday essentials without worrying about space. You can also customize the bike to make it more attractive.

  • Hotdog Bike –

Hotdogs are always attractive to people passing by. Hotdog business in a crowded location is no wonder a hit plan. And what can be better than to get a Wheelys alternative hotdog bike for your business? These hotdog bikes are capable of delivering fresh and hot hotdogs. 

The hotdog bikes have all the essential features you need to hit the road. It has a motor plus paddling, stainless steel body with lightweight, strong, and smooth food surface, storage, water tank, pump, sink, solar charging system, canopy, drawer, and other things. The lithium batteries of hotdog bikes are removable and run for 6 hours with a single charge. 

  • Refrigerator bikes – 

Another top Wheelys alternative you can get for your street business is the refrigerator bike. If you plan to sell cold foods and beverages that need constant refrigeration, then the e-refrigerator bikes are the best solution.

The refrigerator bikes run on motor and paddle both. A single charge can run your bike for almost 8hours. The bike is designed to sell a wide range of food and drinks (though only cold ones). You can store and sell a wide range of products with the help of refrigerator bikes like ice-creams, yogurt, beverages, and canned sodas. The bike has a sun umbrella and a foldable canopy.


  • RAPTR Bikes – 

If you are into a street business, you probably heard about RAPTR Bikes. These RAPTR Bikes are also a Wheelys alternative that can boost your existing street business or start one. RAPTR bikes were manufactured to sell food and drinks (hot and cold). RAPTR bikes are powered by chargeable motors and run up to 6-8 hours on one charge. 

RAPTR bikes have food displays for packaged foods, tap one to serve lemonade, nitro coffee, cold coffee, soft drinks, propane stove, storage, and canopy. You can customize the bike to match the vibe and attract more visitors.

  • Push cart –

Push carts are also an efficient Wheelys alternative that can boost your street business. The push carts are suitable for selling a wide range of foods and beverages. You can have various options like promo and retail boxes, ice cream boxes, stoves, and tap systems according to your business needs. The push carts are simple and have large storage to support your stocks efficiently.


Traditional street bikes are not only expensive but also difficult to maintain and repair. Using Wheelys alternatives like e-bikes and carts is easy and more effective. You can replace your old bike or buy a new e-bike to boost your street business.