
The IRCC establishes a transition period for distance learning measures


Distance education initiatives have been extended until August 31, 2023.

During the epidemic, overseas students were permitted to continue their studies online while living abroad, and they were still eligible for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP).

On August 25th, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) confirmed that distance learning measures will remain in place until August 31st, 2023, to allow international students time to return to Canada.

International students studying abroad or who apply for a study permit before August 31st, 2022, will be able to complete up to 100% of their program online without jeopardizing their eligibility for a Post Graduation Work Program(PGWP) for international students in  Canada.

Prior to the pandemic, students were expected to complete no more than 50% of their studies online and time spent studying online outside of Canada was penalized from their PGWP duration.


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However, regardless of when their studies began, a study performed abroad beginning on September 1st, 2023 will be deducted from the length of their PGWP.

The interim distance learning measures will be extended for students starting programs from September 1st, 2022 to August 31st, 2023.

  1. No more than 50% of the credits earned can be completed outside of Canada to remain eligible for a PGWP.
  2. Beginning September 1, 2023, studies performed online from outside Canada will be deducted from the length of a future PGWP.

Although the Canadian government will prioritize study permit applications for students starting their studies in September, some overseas students' applications may not be finalized in time for the fall 2022 entry session.


Source: https://www.aptechstudyabroad.com/news/the-ircc-establishes-a-transition-period-for-distance-learning-measures