
Watering Plants at Night, do not if you do not want the plant to be sick

The time and frequency of watering each day will determine the growth and development of plants. Accordingly, watering plants in the morning is always the best, Night watering is recommended as dangerous because it can make plants difficult to treat fungus diseases. Please understand this correctly before starting to plant a certain kind of tree.




Should Watering Plants at Night? Why

In the principles of crop care found in current documents, experts often recommend that we do not Water the Plants at Night. This is completely true and proven basis. Late night watering not only affects the plant's growth, but can also cause it to become pests and diseases for the following reasons:

- When you water plants at night, water will collect on the leaves and branches without evaporating like during the day and this will inadvertently affect the plant's leaves.

- Watering plants late at night will cause the plant to become infected with fungi growing around the roots, branches and leaves, affecting the nutrient absorption of the plant.

- At night, the evaporation will take place slower than daytime due to the weather, if water is too watered at this time, the plants may be flooded and root rot.


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Therefore, we should only Water the Trees at Night when there is no other solution. If possible, water as little as possible and water directly into the soil so that the roots absorb water instead of watering on the leaves or stems. When morning comes, keep adding the amount of water the plant needs to avoid pests and fungi that can harm the plant.

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Select the right form of Watering at Night
We should avoid watering plants at night, but in special cases where you still have to do this, it is best to choose the right watering method to protect your crops. A drip drip or infiltrator will make it easier and safer for you to water every night.

Not only that, the drip irrigation equipment also helps to regulate the amount of irrigation water properly, thereby avoiding the maximum excess of irrigation water. With systems of smart watering equipment, the operation of watering plants will be programmed automatically, thereby helping you to save maximum time and labor.

However, absolutely do not combine Watering Night Plants with chemical fertilizers or pesticides for plants. This will ensure the safety of the grower's health and avoid unnecessary financial waste.

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Some safe watering experiences you should learn from
Watering plants safely at the correct frequency
The general rule of thumb for watering your main plant is to water about 2.5 cm of water per week. This amount can vary from plant to plant, but this is the average amount of water the plant needs to thrive. You can split this amount of water to water the plants every day and increase the amount of water if the plant is wilted.

You can also use your finger to gently press the surface of the soil to check the soil moisture. If you find the soil below the surface is still damp, wait a while before watering the plant. If the soil is too dry, hard and white, you need to replenish water immediately.

The frequency of watering plants will decrease or increase depending on current weather conditions. If it rains less you will need to increase the number of watering your plants, if it rains you will need to reduce the number of watering plants during the day and week. Use my experience to do this well.

Water near the roots, not on the leaves
The next note that you should keep in mind along with limiting Watering Plants at Night. The reason given is based on the physiological characteristics of the plants that the root system is responsible for absorbing water to nourish the plant; Water falling on the leaves will only fall to the ground or evaporate, so watering the plants is watering the soil and roots.

You can find special watering systems that can water close to the soil, such as a penetrating sprinkler around the base or a genuine drip irrigation system to take better care of your plants. If the weather is hot, it is possible to combine watering with spraying on leaves to cool the plants effectively.

Watering plants requires long and deep watering
Most trees are healthiest when their roots are deeply embedded in the soil rather than radiating close to the ground especially in perennial crops such as fruit trees and industrial crops. Therefore, to ensure healthy root growth, you need to provide moisture to the entire roots of the plant, so it is necessary to water for long and deep so that the plants absorb maximum water.

Set aside 30 seconds or more each time to water each area instead of quickly spraying the entire planted area. Note, if the soil does not have enough moisture or not enough water for watering, it means that watering your plants will become useless and you should change it in the next watering.

See also: Smart watering equipment and how to detect under-water plants

Check for dangerous signs of excess water
Watering the Trees Night as well as during the day will not be possible if there are signs of excess water. And the traits that help you identify a plant that is facing the risk of over-watering include:

- Leaf tip turns yellow or brown, including old and young leaves.

The foliage is thin, spindly, retarded and has signs of stunting.

- There are signs of rotting in the roots and roots, death ...

If you are not sure whether to Water the Trees at Night and how to water the plants safely, quickly invest in a genuine Italian Claber automatic irrigation system with a quality automatic irrigation timer to do this well. . Love!