Do you ever remember imagining a future where there will be flying cars or highly-advanced buildings, or perhaps robots that assist you everywhere you go? And do you see any resemblance to that vision in our times now? There is a genre that depicts this kind of futuristic concept in literature. Science-fiction is a theme that is synonymous with this idea of taking current technology and extrapolating them to predict the what-ifs of the future.
The quality of life now can be closely compared to that of science-fiction.
People are provided with a vast amount of information that can be gathered in a snap, making living more manageable and more comfortable. Most of the things people need to survive and even those they want can be easily accessed through simple clicks of buttons. And most of the things they used to only watch in movies or read in books now exist with them – for instance, artificial intelligence, a.k.a robots.
These science-fiction stories have significantly changed the world. Most of the technologies people rely on today were built from science-fiction novels, magazines, or movies. They have caused scientific developments and provided visions that inspired scientists and engineers to create for generations. Imagine how it wasn’t long since machines that allowed undersea travel was only available to read on paperbacks. Now, many sea explorations are done through submarines, which were invented because someone got inspired by a science-fiction novel.
From H.G. Wells to Benoit Blanchard, science-fiction authors have long given their audiences some visions of the future. Are we really in the age where the thin line between fact and fiction is inexistent? And if it is, what happens next? Here are pieces of evidence that show how the present is becoming closely similar to fiction: