Learn how the visual resume can help you in your job search, and why you need to upgrade
A resume is the first point of contact between a jobseeker and the recruiter – this makes it a vital part of your job search, at least the first step towards grabbing the attention of the recruiter.
Laying out your information in a neat and easy-to-comprehend manner is the primary task of a structured resume. This is why a visual resume, which is an enhanced version of the traditional resume, is made up of a combination of text and infographics, which go towards presenting the candidate’s information and the qualifications relevant for gainful employment.
There are certain characteristics of this visual format will help the candidate express themselves even before meeting prospective interviewers.
It highlights certain aspects like experience, specific skill sets, keywords & achievements, which along with the bright, definitive structure of a visual resume makes it easier for recruiters to seek these out without needing to scan the entire document for relevant information!
Hullo Jobs presents to jobseekers our own development of a visual CV – the Visual Resume, a quality value added tool that allows the jobseeker to go paperless, make an impact on the recruiters and enhance their job search process.
How can jobseekers harness the benefits of a Visual CV?
By using various templates made available by Hullo Jobs, users can select the layout of their choice, bringing focus to their experience and how relevant their skills are to the job position at hand.
It is advised that jobseekers customise their resumes by including the right keywords in the executive summary section on the top of their resume, so recruiters can easily glance at the necessary information and see if you are a viable candidate.
The primary goal is to attract reader’s attention instantly
Infographic resumes are a great way to draw attention of a recruiter working with limited time and many resumes to read through. The resume that attracts the attention of the recruiter has far greater chances of being selected. Some of the important points to note while preparing a resume are listed below.
What makes a Visual CV so important?
First impressions can influence your selection:
A visual resume creates a compelling first impression, so prepare a keyword-rich resume, as they glance quickly.
Using a pre-designed resume template will improve the appearance and value of the resume, it is best advised to keep it simple and neat. Draw attention to the qualifications and the achievements in the most direct terms.
Takes lesser time to go through it:
Most recruiters are looking at several resumes in the span of a single day; they have limited time go through all the resumes in detail. In this case a visual resume with infographics and a smart layout will naturally stand out and take lesser time to scan, making the initial part of decision making that much easier.
Stronger representation of key qualities:
Create a strong visual brand to make a greater impact on your application; today’s competitive job market demands it; a well-designed visual CV helps you to do this efficiently.
It’s more about highlighting what is essential while not wasting time with lesser relevant details. Information overloading is to be avoided, and presenting the best parts of your experience will convey a complete and wholesome profile.
Harness the power of QR-code paperless card
Our visual resume is empowered with a smart card (QR code enabled card) called Pocket Resume which allows users to go paperless, by linking anyone who scans the code to the jobseeker’s profile with Hullo Jobs.
There’s a shortlink provided too, that arrives at the same webpage, making it unnecessary for the candidate to carry a paper resume at all times!
Cloud Space for instant viewing
By storing their certificates and credentials online in the Hullo Jobs Cloud Space, users no longer have to physically transport important documents. This keeps your certificates, important digital documents safe online, and lets the recruiter view it when needed.
One of the top features of our visual resume are the various categories of experience levels – so users can choose what template best suits them, streamlining the process of resume building.
An additional benefit for jobseekers? You get immediate Job Support on our job portal HulloJobs.com – access all kinds of job openings in companies and industries of your choice. Your profile is already created, simply start applying to job openings of your choice and monitor your applications through your account with Hullo Jobs that’s already created for you, automatically.
The use of a creative, well expressed and compact presentation of individual and professional qualities, that is achieved with the help of a smartly created visual resume is a key confidence building tool and one which helps job seekers to make a positive impact on interviewers even before their first interview.
To learn more about the benefits and methods of availing special offers on the Hullo Jobs Pocket resume, about the kind of CV templates they need and the other key features of an excellent tool that helps enhance your profile and in turn, your job search, by visiting here http://www.hullojobs.com/resume/.