
Switzerland: Attack Against Turkish Construction Tycoon in Zurich

Tonight we blew up the mailbox of the civil engineering company Sauerwein Schäfer SSB AG in Zurich. SSB has been fully owned for about 10 years by ERG International Group, one of the largest construction companies in Turkey. Well-connected in the palace, Turkish construction billionaires are, along with the arms industry, the most direct profiteers of Erdogan's economic policies - and they are mainly responsible for the devastating effects of the recent earthquake.


Today, the Kurdish people around the world celebrate their New Year, Newroz. They celebrate it in 2023 in mourning. More than 50,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake at the beginning of February, hundreds of thousands are left with nothing, there is hardly a family that is not directly affected. But it also celebrates the New Year in the knowledge that it has to look ahead. To a year full of struggles. In Turkey, elections are coming up and it has already become clear that Erdogan does not hesitate to exploit the earthquake directly for his genocidal policy and to push for a demographic change in the affected areas. In Syria, the IS is reconstructing itself, in the mountains of northern Iraq, guerrillas continue to be attacked with bombs and poison gas, and on the eve of the Third Imperialist World War, chaos and fascism seem to have become the best available option for various global players.


No question, this Newroz will also be about gathering strength for these upcoming confrontations. To look back in order to go forward. To remember who the enemy is and, above all, who one's own side is. Because this is strength. The neighborhood structures of solidarity that are sprouting today in Southeast Turkey against the militarized administrations are the barricades of the upcoming confrontations, the guerrillas in the mountains are developing new techniques, tactics and strategies at a breathtaking pace. In its successful resistance against internal and external enemies, Rojava has long since become a symbol of freedom and self-determination for all oppressed people worldwide.


In this sense, today we carried out a symbolic action against the SSB and the ERG and the Erbilgin family behind it. We especially as internationalists must have one thing clear: It is not the earthquake that killed all those people, it is the profit interests of a small clique of profiteers. Covered by the palace and corruption, the big construction and real estate companies have been raking in fat profits for years and decades. The Erbilgin family, one of the richest in Turkey, belongs precisely to this clique. The relationship between these circles and the AKP regime is symbiotic. Having become rich through gigantic infrastructure contracts, they are bound to the Turkish palace for better or worse - and the palace to them.


An earthquake has no face, no address. But Turkish fascism, the real murderer, has faces and addresses. Also here in Europe. It must be attacked. With all our strength.


Long live international solidarity!



source: https://barrikade.info/article/5754

translated by Nae Midion