
Don’t Waste Time! 3 Facts Until You Reach Marketing Automation Bot


The current value of the marketing automation industry is $1.65 billion, and the credit goes to the introduction of AI in marketing automation. Marketing automation bots are taking the industries to another level.

Here we will discuss why industries should go for marketing automation bot for their marketing automation strategy.

Marketing automation bot got its first breakthrough from social media. Marketers used various other tools and software to run their campaigns on social media. The experts have assumed that soon AI will dominate all the industries and it will be used in content creation, customer analytics, and unify marketing automation campaigns.

3 Facts until you reach Marketing Automation Bot 

Chatbots have already been introduced to the world in 1966. But, from 1966 to 2018, it had a long run and improving by becoming more intelligent over the years.

It’s not that simple as it sounds. But, the use of bots assisting you, allows you to focus on other tasks such as planning marketing campaigns, researching the market, understanding the ROI, etc. Here’s are those 3 facts until you reach the marketing automation bot.

  1.       Bots are chatting with website visitors

While implementing an inbound marketing strategy, organic traffic leads directly to your website. Once visited, asking them to sign in immediately is vague as they not going to do that. At this point, they need to communicate to know your products and services. If their queries are not solved, they may not ever visit again to your site.

Your organic leads and customers are your first priority, but it can be difficult to manage them if you don’t have a big team. You cannot avail human 24X7 to your website, waiting for new leads to come and enter a query.

That’s where you will need bots. Marketing automation bots can be set up for live chat and conversation with your leads and customers. There are many AI chatbots that can be your perfect match.

  1.       Qualify leads better with Marketing Automation Bots

Without any doubt, you can rely your business on bots. It can qualify your leads. Lead management can be complicated. Sometimes some leads may require more nurture. Those leads may take time to convert, which can be boring at the same time.         

Therefore, relying on automated bots will be more beneficial. As per your products and services, you can program certain commonly asked questions to entertain your lead customers. Also, you can program your marketing automation bots to take immediate actions when your customers click on any links of your website.

For example, if your customer clicks on an option, Product Photography Services  the marketing automation bots will come up with all the available services of your website from basic to premium. This type of conversation with your lead can keep them engage and keep them updated.

  1.       Improve and personalize the overall user experience

75% of customers like personalized ads.

Not only that, customers love a personalized experience while shopping online on any online platform. If you are not providing a customized experience to your customers on every platform, then it is obvious that you may lose them.

Marketing automation bots can help with this type of customer personalized campaigns. Bots can come up with a couple of questions to get started. Many bots are programmed to collect the data from the organic leads and customize them accordingly.

Like Nyle Amazon PPC AI does this on the Amazon platform by sending relevant news and offers to your organic customers based on the list options.

Wrapping it up

Marketing automation bots are so much than this. It is surprising that how technology is shaping our online interactions with AI or bots. The only thing which has never changed is the customer’s experience which cannot be compromised.



 Source Code: https://medium.com/@nyle.ai.agency/dont-waste-time-3-facts-until-you-reach-marketing-automation-bot-1bad78418b82