
Home remedies for sensitive teeth

Having sensitive teeth can cause a lot of discomforts and may keep you away from enjoying some of your favourite foods. Tooth sensitivity is a very common and treatable condition. There are many tooth sensitivity remedies that can be used to bring relief to that sensitive tooth.

  1. Saltwater rinsing

Saltwater is a natural antiseptic and provides instant relief to the sensitive tooth. This is one of the most common tooth sensitivity remedies. Saltwater helps to maintain the pH balance of the mouth and eliminate any bacteria that may be present. Add two teaspoons of salt to warm water and mix well. Rinse your mouth twice a day to avoid sensitivity.

  1. Oil pulling

Oil pulling is a traditional ayurvedic technique that has been used over the years to treat tooth sensitivity. This technique uses sesame or coconut oil and involves swishing oil around your mouth several minutes before spitting it out. Studies show that this method reduces plaque formation and also helps reduce the symptoms of gum disease.

  1. Clove oil

Another tooth sensitivity remedy is using clove oil. Clove oil helps to instantly reduce sensitivity and at the same time keeps the gums healthy. Cloves are known for their anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that fight oral infections. Combine one drop of clove oil with coconut oil and apply on the affected area. You could also chew the clove to reduce tooth sensitivity.

  1. Fluoride

Using a desensitizing toothpaste helps in shielding nerve endings from any irritants. Toothpaste, gels and mouthwashes that contain fluoride help reducing sensitivity. Sensitivity can be reduced after a few uses.

  1. Honey and warm water

Honey is yet another tooth sensitivity remedies that can be used. Honey has an anti-bacterial agent that helps reducing any discomfort caused due to sensitivity and speeds up the healing process. Rinse your mouth daily with warm water and a spoon of honey to reduce sensitivity.