Picture this: you live in or around Austin, Texas, and you’ve been considering getting your license to carry a handgun. The safety you’d feel by being knowledgeable about guns, and having the legal right to wield a gun.
More: https://texascarrycourse.com/articles/best-way-to-find-a-license-to-carry-course-in-austin-texas
Picture this: you live in or around Austin, Texas, and you’ve been considering getting your license to carry a handgun. The safety you’d feel by being knowledgeable about guns, and having the legal right to wield a gun, is a huge confidence boost. In Texas, completing your LTC course means you can go take your live-fire demonstration test with a certified firearms instructor and then apply for the license.
What are the requirements for a license to carry course in Austin, Texas?
The requirements to complete your license to carry course in Austin, Texas are the same as any other city statewide. In fact, you can do it all online when you take advantage of our LTC training. You must be at least 21 years old, have a clean criminal and psychological record, and pass a background check.
How much does it cost to get a concealed handgun license in Austin, Texas?
The concealed handgun classes Austin used to provide were much more costly than they are today. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, the standard fee for an original LTC is just $40, and also $40 for a renewal. This excludes the cost of the training, but the days of paying $75 to $200 for a class and license are behind us. Our class is currenly on sale for $45.
How do I find a License to Carry instructor near me?
TexasCarryCourse.com has partnered with license to carry instructors across Texas to make the search as easy as possible. On the proficiency demonstration page is a search tool to locate an LTC instructor. If there is not one near you, please contact us to help find one for you.
Are there discounts available for the LTC class?
Yes! To see if you qualify for a discounted LTC class, please check the Eligibility and Discounts page.
Do I need to do the shooting qualification with my military experience (or other job)?
It depends on a few things. Active duty military and veterans, as well as other professions, may be exempt from the proficiency demonstration (shooting qualification). Please check the tool HERE.