Stupid computer keeps marking everything as '$pam' when it isn't!  Here's the note...
Mr. M. ~ Some Errors In Your 'No Race' Theme ~;^/
Balkan Guy
Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 9:29 PM
To: heXnry aXt savetheXmales doXt cXa (remove the 'X' characters, etc. = $pam filter)
Can a Jew Identify With "Whites"?


"Ordinary Jews have as much control over world affairs as ordinary Americans. Zero."
HAHAHAHA =))  By 'zero' of course U mean 'preferential treatment in the utmost!' =))


"God is a dimension where Truth, Beauty, Love, Goodness and Justice are Self-evident."
What?  Not a 'magical jewish accountant in the sky' who 'rewards us after we die' if we just mass murder enough ragheads? LOL!!


"God is Consciousness.  Most of us are unconscious, asleep."
That's not what the (((ChristBait))) book of fables (Bible) whatever sez izzit??  How 'white' is that?


"After God, I identify first with the human race."
Humanity is a SPECIES, different like breeds of dogs from their wolf source.  U going 2 tell us a poodle is a chihuahua is a wolf next? HAHAHA  Your misuse of terms 2 MISdefine things is so very (((Jewi$h)))! =P


"Most of my Jewish contacts are my family.  I don't have any Jewish friends."
Because jooz R EVIL & they don't like how U R (4 the most part) not =)  U pretend they can 'assimilate' & should not 'take the blame', yet ALL of them REJECT U (pretty much), precisely BECAUSE you do not forward (((THEIR EVIL AGENDAS)))!  U R not just misreporting this, but (it seems) trying 2 delude YOURSELF! =:-o


"Assuming all people of a different race are the same is racist."
Racism is NOT something bad.  The vast majority of blacks R garbage, & the ratio is even worse with beaners = few of them even look human = worse than blacks & even more like toads, with barrel-like 'bodies' =P  Most whites R fat & stupid (in the U.S.A. @ least) but the ratio isn't as bad as niggers, etc.


"We define our own identity by our personal character, experience, beliefs and actions. We are not defined by the group we happen to belong to."
I 'define' myself as a lamp, but only on Tuesdays =)  On Thursday I 'identify' as a big horny black lesbian, & the rest of the week I am an 'Italian male' LOL!!  U & your (very jewish) nonsense (((PROPAGANDA))) rise again, Mr. M.! ~;))


"I identify with Whites because Jews and Whites are in the same boat, the target of an insidious Communist (Satanist) conspiracy."
No, jooz get lots of PERKS out of that 'boat', like random Romanians & Polish blondes & whatever who just say they R kikes 2 get 'free' (stolen) $ from the 'goy cattle' 2 pay 'reparations' 2 the (((tormented victims))) in Europe = lame.  U R like a feminist who pretends that women R discriminated against in office jobs... HAHAHAHAHA =))  "Woo lookie me I get paid $20 an hour 2 answer the fuking phone while some 'man' gets the same 2 perform actual work doing manual labor... I'm so 'equal'" HAHAHA =))))))


"I identify with the Whites because they carry the residue of Christianity which has been the greatest civilizing force in the world."
No, it is their very WHITENESS (their BRAINS & the unique ABILITIES of those brains) that create 'white' civilization.  Teach 'ChristInsanity' 2 some random beaner & they R not going 2 magically invent jet engines & cell phones, U goof...


"Christ taught that God is Love. Love your neighbor.  Do unto others... Christianity represents a spiritual ideal."
Oh yes, that 'magical joo' again... U C, all back 2 your 'alternate joo'.  It's a $CAM!!  The function of Christianity is 2 make an excuse 4 whites 2 convince them 2 mass murder endless bazillions of random ragheads & pretending it is doing 'god's work', same way Islam is basically the reverse ('Jihad' 2 'conquer' & all that jazz...).


Nature is reality =D  There is overlap in the races.  Some blax R better (smarter & better looking & stuff) than some whites.  This means U can get yourself some real 'bargains', like this guy...
Sometimes 'breeding down' U R actually 'trading UP' =)  Step on that gravy train Mr. M.!  C wat U kandoo! =D
I can C it now: "You're so smart." bla bla... & eat less & hit the gym so they don't vomit wen ya' strip down HAHA


BTW: Every1 noze wat a joo loox l ike... random (((RatBa$tard))) & sub-blends thereof...
((($peelberg))) [typical jeweyface]
(((Wein$tein))) [OMG EEEW!]
Michael (((Eisner))) [loox like some albino nigger I think]
Didn't the Nazis have all kinds of 'hook nose & other tells' booklets & stuff about how 2 spot (((Them)))?
Obviously U 'escaped' because the hair & eyes of your mum or whatever were 'off the map'... kind of like Asians in Turkey R often ashamed & try 2 hide it behind bleach LOL
Seda Gökkadar / Olmaz ilaç sine-i sad pâreme
Video thumb


Strange 'kuz the 'Greek + Seljuk' thing 4 instance can create some Awesome Blends! =D
http://goo.gl/oHbHzV (Paste the link if hotmail or whatever blocks it)
I dig how the eyes look like metal 2 ~;D
Tho' blackies got a different vibe also kewl (sometimes)...