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Ahem Kumar @Purpletree_Soft · Feb 24, 2022

Customers visit eCommerce websites to purchase things that the website owner has listed on their site. The business is just B2C (Business to Customer) in this type of organisation. Where the website's management is the owner, who allows vendors to sell their products on the site and customers to buy them.

CHeck more Opencart Extensions here.


There are a variety of open-source eCommerce platforms, often known as CMS (Content Management Systems), on the market that make it simple for administrators to manage the entire administrative process, i.e., administrators don't have to write code to sell things. The administrator must have some technical knowledge, although coding is not required. He simply needs to make advantage of the CMS's predefined features, which makes it simple for him.


Admin Options


Set a registration approval date.


Organize vendor categories.


From the admin panel, you can see seller orders.


Assign products to one of the vendors.


Manage the seller's orders


Organize seller feedback and ratings.


Organize commissions due to the admin on sellers' merchandise.


Organize and respond to customer inquiries for vendors.


Commission information for sales


Settlement of payments with vendors


Category, Seller, and Commission Percentage


Customer Benefits


Create an account as a seller.


Splitting the order for the seller


Please contact the seller.


For the seller, leave a review and a rating.


View the seller's store page



Advantages of the Seller


A panel of the Seller


Create an account as a seller.


Organize your seller profile


Manage your store's information


Products can be added, edited, or deleted.


Orders can be viewed


Order to be processed


View Customer Reviews of the Store


Obtain a copy of your commission and payment records.


Organize and manage user inquiries




Magento Multi Vendor Marketplace: more details here.


The Multi-Vendor Marketplace for Opencart has a few more features.


which are the primary factors that contribute to it being the best

The Opencart Multi-Store module is fully functional.


Online payments, invoices, plan upgrade/downgrade, automated reminders, and renewals are all included in subscription plans for sellers.

Customer and Seller are having a live chat.


Seller/admin bulk import.


The vendor can customize shipping based on nation, zip code, and weight.


The API for mobile devices is now available.


With Product Templates, a single product can be sold by several sellers.


PayPal adaptive payments allow you to pay merchants directly while placing an order.


For OpenCart 3. x, all TPL-based themes are also supported. Twig for 3.x and TPL for 2.3 had previously been supported.


There are many more......








There are so many features that it's impossible to mention them all. Simply get the PurpleTree Multivendor and learn about a slew of new features.

There are several features in Purpletree Multivendor in Opencart.