
Wealthy Finnish Families and the Nazi co-operation, the untold history

Ehdotan, että Suomeen kutsutaan Simon Wiesenthal Center tutkimaan Suomen salattua natsimenneisyyttä.

Natsiyhteistyöhön syyllistyneet tai natsipuolueeseen kuuluneiden varat peritään puoleksi valtiolle ja puoleksi Simon Wiesenthal Centerille edelleen jaettavaksi niillle tuhansille ja taas tuhansille juutalaisille joilta natsit varastivat kaiken. Siis useat ihmiset menettivät paitsi ihmisarvonsa, heiltä vietiin koko omaisuus ja heidän elämänsä tuhottiin eteepäin.  Simon Wiesenthal Centerillä on varmaan parhaat mahdollisuudet löytää tälläisiä köyhtyneitä sukuja joiden perilliset ovat joutuneet hunningolle, samalla kun natsiyhteistyö lihotti useita sukuja, mukaan lukien heidän perillisensä. On oikeus ja kohtuus esimerkiksi "varastaa" Ikean omaisuus uudelleen jaettavaksi natsien uhreille.


Suomessa on varmaan myös varakkaita sukuja joiden on annettu rikastua natsiyhteistyön avulla, ja joista media on tahallaan pysynyt vaiti.  Saattaa olla, että yhä Suomen valhemedia pesee puhtaaksi esim.  Kampradin menneisyyttä ja Ruotsin kattavaaa "natsi-menneisyyttä", yhteistyössä toki kummallakin puolella rajaa. Finlands sak är vår. Sveriges sak är vår, kuten Niinistö totesi..




Swedish author and journalist Elisabeth Asbrink says Kamprad joined the Swedish Nazi party in 1943 when 17, 
prompting the security police to start a file on him the same year.

Asbrink also claims in her book, And in Wienerwald the Trees Remain, that the founder of the Swedish furniture chain was in contact with Nazi sympathisers until at least 1950 – two years longer than he had previously acknowledged.











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What is YouTube censorship? How does it work?



Our so-called liberty loving democratic governments are resorting to tactics of a fascist totalitarian dictatorship and censoring YouTube videos, which show nothing more than people protesting for their civil liberty. Here is the story behind the government censorship along with a tutorial on how to defeat it. Enjoy!








The bombing of Russian Speaking children goes on by Ukraina Nazis:


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by Trumptonium » Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:16 am

Nevertheless Nazism allowed or not, the Finnish 'Nazi' flag predated the rise of Hitler. Moreover, it is still in use today (in the Air Force, Armed Forces General Staff and the Presidential Standard of the President of Finland), and to mix it with Nazi Germany is overly nonsensical, but that's just my opinion.




Was St Petersburg Finnish?

St. Petersburg is a Russian city, which was built in Ingria, which is a Finnic region. The original inhabitants spoke Izhorian, which is a Finnic language and thus related to Finnish.

There were also Ingrian Finnish population who were divided into the Äyrämöinen (äyrämöiset) people, who originated in the nearby Karelian Isthmus, and the Savakko people (savakot), who originated in Savonia. As the Ingrian Finns precede the concept of Finland, it is hard to say if they were actually Finnish, though many of them saw them as such in modern times.

In addition to Izhorians and Ingrian Finns, Ingria also had a Votian (or Votic) population, whose language is the closest relative to Estonian.

In the distant history, Ingria was also the Urheimat of Finnic languages. The ancestor of the current Finnic languages spread from there.

Here is a map of Ingria:
