Why artificial intelligence applications and artificially trained systems are important today? It seems we have a continuous war in the news where the United States is on one side and China on the other. We have tanks, laser ships, stealth fighter jets and now high tech electromagnetic balloons that hover over Afghanistan and Pakistan.
China is building theirs at the same time and they are getting good assistance from Russia as well. Of course, this makes sense, it is much easier to defeat an enemy when you have superior technology. Of course, who is going to beat the United States of America in a head to head battle when they have a military, a navy, a cyber army and a number of high-tech weapons? In fact, after a few years, it may be so easy to defeat and capture the US that they will not even bother.
It will be interesting to see in the coming years where these battles take place. Will the Chinese build the equivalent of the LA County airport in LAX? What if North Korea has a missile or long-range missile that can go nearly as far as Hawaii? If this happens will we be able to detect it beforehand and pre-empt a nuclear strike from that nation? And if a nation states that they have a highly modern weaponized aircraft carrier group, will we consider them a threat?
Well, considering all the things that were previously discussed and still occurring today, I think we cannot wait to find out. The United States of America is the greatest single nation ever created in all the recorded history of mankind and it will endure forever, and we owe it to our citizens to make sure that it stays that way. Some people say we live in a computer simulation, but I beg to differ, I believe that we live in a virtual reality, and artificial intelligence software and artificial intelligent systems are going to play a vital role in preserving our civilization.
Why artificial intelligence applications are important to the United States military, which is one of the most powerful in the world. We do not know if China will become a significant competitor, but we know that Russia is their chief competitor, and China is trying to catch up. In the future it may be quite a race between these two nations and one that are going to be very expensive for the United States to be involved with in any way. Why would the United States want to be involved in such a technologically advanced battle field from a military standpoint when they do not even have a stealth fighter aircraft yet.
Nevertheless, the United States must stay ahead of the game, and they are doing this with Artificial Intelligent robotic and unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs, and cyber-spies. When you consider the future of warfare, you might realize that there are many different reasons artificial intelligence applications are important to this country and a very interesting future indeed. You see, as stated before we do not know who will be our primary competitors in the future, and we also do not know what countries that we will be fighting against, but the obvious answer to that question is we need to stay one step ahead of the Chinese, Russian, or whichever nation may be our primary competition for future economic prosperity. Therefore, artificial intelligence software that can help us understand how our UAVs, military, and even our cyber-spies might interact in a particular region of the planet is a very important thing indeed. Thus, there are many different reasons that artificial intelligence software, and particularly artificial intelligence applied to the Department of Defense should be a priority in the budget of the future.
Another question might be why artificial intelligence software that helps us fight terrorists or another nation-state should be considered. We cannot completely rule out all foreign influence in our society, and in fact a lot of the current challenges we face in the world today have to do with international terrorist organizations, which use propaganda and other ways to spread fear. One might say that the United States of America is not really an international terrorist organization, and yet the truth is we have tolerated other nations influencing our political system and our culture through infiltration and subversion. Therefore, we cannot completely discount all foreign influences in a free society, and this makes me consider why artificial intelligence applications might be a good investment. After all if we cannot completely control all human activities within our borders, then wouldn't it make sense to try to control as much of that which can be controlled?
In conclusion, the future is going to be different than it has been in the past, and the question shouldn't be why ai services is important but how we use it to achieve the goals that we want. Consider all this in 2021. If you have any comments, questions, and/or concerns about this topic please e-mail me at your leisure. I hope you will find this information useful and it makes sense to you. You can reach me at any time through the numerous e-mail accounts I maintain for private and business use.