
NDIS and speech pathology Sydney

Contact our website to know about famous Australian-wide funding scheme NDIS to enhance their social and economic wellbeing. NDIS is gradually rolling out across Australia. Check NDIS and speech pathology Sydney for more help. 


The NDIS is gradually rolling out across Australia and is due to be fully rolled out by 30 June 2023.People with a disability must meet certain criteria as determined on an individual basis to receive a package of funding for a year or up to 3 years. The amount of funding that a person will be able to receive through the NDIS varies, as it is tailored to the individual following a needs based assessment. The NDIS is not means tested, and the package of funding, known as a ‘plan’. NDIS funds cannot be used with Medicare or private health fund rebates to pay for the same session. Please see the NDIS website National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for more information