
Tips to improve your general awareness and knowledge

Improving general awareness requires a deliberate effort to stay informed about current events, social issues, and trends. Here are some great tips which will help you to improve your general awareness: 


    1. Follow reading habits: Use a variety of sources, including newspapers, magazines, online news sources, and social media, to stay informed about current events and social issues. Be sure to verify the information and check for bias when using online sources.   

    2.  Do discussions: Participate in discussions with friends, family, and colleagues to gain different perspectives on social issues and current events. This can help you broaden your understanding of the issues and consider different viewpoints.

    3. Watch news social media: Follow social media accounts and pages related to current events, social issues, and trends to stay up to date on the latest news and developments. Social media can be a great way to get real-time updates and perspectives from different people.

    4. Keep an open mind: Keeping an open mind and being receptive to new ideas and perspectives is key to improving general awareness. Try to approach new information with a curious and open attitude, and be willing to challenge your own assumptions and biases. 

    5. Practice General Awareness Quizzes: By solving quizzes you will get an idea of how much general knowledge you have. And also it will help you to solve general awareness questions with good speed in any exams.