
Secure WordPress Website from Malware Attacks

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VinraTech96 @VinraTech96 · Mar 3, 2023

In recent years, WordPress has become the most widely used CMS in the world. It is therefore not surprising that if you manage a WordPress website, you can sometimes become a target of hackers. Hackers often use Brute Force Attacks. This type of attack is skyrocketing and seems to be getting more and more intense and powerful. Does this mean the end of WordPress and that you have to change CMS? No definitely not!


It just means that you need to have a website security plan for your WordPress website. With a few simple precautions, your WordPress will be like a fortress, and no malware can find its way inside.


What can I do to secure my WordPress website?

There are many ways to make your WordPress website secure. Some plugins lock out intruders and you can also do a lot yourself to make your website safe. Do you want to have a responsive, secure WordPress website made? Contact VinraTech, a leading WordPress website development company in Florida.  


WordPress Admin Username Change

Everyone should do this, but we'll say it one more time. Do not use admin as a username at all. This is easy to adjust and one of the simplest things you can do towards a more secure website. So, when installing WordPress, always use a name other than the default (preferably not your website name, company name, or website title).


If you currently already have “admin” as a user on your website, change it as soon as possible. It doesn't matter which name you choose, but you must change it. Whatever the Edit User section in WordPress says, you can change all usernames. You can adjust this via a plugin or the database.


Use strong passwords

Everyone knows... Use strong passwords! 'Password123' is not done and can cause you a lot of problems. In practice, it appears that many people use the same passwords for their accounts. Suppose a company where you have an account is ever hacked. Then you are an easy target for hackers if you also use this password for your website.


We recommend using different passwords for all your accounts. Write these down in a book somewhere. Preferably with pen and paper or on a USB stick. Make it difficult for hackers by thinking carefully about your password management.


Limit login attempts (limit login attempts)

The reason malware attacks are so effective is that WordPress allows unlimited login errors. You will never be locked out by entering a password or username incorrectly too many times. This is why it is so effective and why many sites get hacked. By putting a limit on login attempts you can keep intruders out. You minimize the chance that your site can be hacked.

Use two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is a must when securing your WordPress website. This ensures that someone always receives a unique code via SMS, for example, and must enter it. This intermediate step allows the system to verify that the person trying to log in is the user and not an unknown intruder.


Delete unused WordPress installations

Many companies have extra WordPress installations on their server or hosting package to, for example, test new sites, plugins or themes. Brute Force attackers (hackers) are looking for that! Usually, these are installations with poor security, outdated WordPress/plugins, and themes, and usernames that have not changed from the default, as well as the login URL. This is a bad thing because it gives hackers access to your hosting and/or server.


So, if you want to test a site, delete it as soon as you're done, or use a local development environment. Otherwise, you are making yourself a target.


Security Plugins

With the website security measures that we have already mentioned, it is also recommended to install a WordPress security plugin. Each plugin has its functionalities, scans, login security, firewalls, spam filters, etc. Make sure you secure your website against unwanted intruders!


You are already well on your way with the points we have mentioned here. However, you can do much more to secure your WordPress website. Wondering if your WordPress website is secure? Contact Vinratech, a renowned WordPress web development company in Florida for a free security scan.